Chapter 7 : The scars in our heart

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-Another state alchemist?! Never heard of the Unknown alchemist though..... the one I thought was Cornello said.

Please tell me it was a joke.... I facepalmed, sighing, before glaring at him.

-Yes! Of course! You really are an idiot eh?! I wonder how you could go so far using your faithful with this brain of yours!! I yelled at him.

At the same time, Edward burst out laughing, holding his belly in front of the wondering priest in front of us. There was a girl standing next to Alphonse, with a white dress and brown hair. She seemed shocked... I dropped my suitcase on the floor and pointed a and toward Cornello.

-I'm sure someone is using you!! I stated.

He suddenly got paler and turned his cane into a machine gun, what made me gasp in fear. A machine gun?! Seriously?! As I clapped my hands to transmute an air wall to stop the bullets, I sank down on the ground and held my head into my hands. I didn't plan on dying right now! I still had to become a state alchemist and help my brother with his paperwork!! I grabbed my suitcase and gestured the Elric brothers to run away with the girl. Without any waste of time, Alphonse grabbed her and Edward transmuted a door for us to run away, ignoring the priest's insults. I wouldn't deny it, I was scared. I ran away from death twice already, I didn't want to face it one more time! I looked at the Elric brothers, discreetly. They seemed so confident.... Edward told me I was strong. But I wasn't. Not as him at least. He had a way to face danger I found just.... Irrational. How could he stay so calm when death was near. Surely was he boiling inside, but..... He wouldn't show it. Wait, did I show my anxiety? Even Alphonse, his younger brother, was cooler than I was. Such a shame.... I laughed innerly when I realized I couldn't even compare myself to my brother. I was like a stain next to him. And for once, I imagined I could bring shame on him, shame to have a little sister with a strong head and, in fact, more scared than a kid would be.... I was pathetic.

-Karen are you alright? Alphonse asked me suddenly, breaking my train of thoughts.

It took me a moment to answer, to notice we were still running, to notice I wore a tortured expression. Whatever I looked like, I looked bad.

-I am, I simply answered, don't worry for me, I was just... Wondering about few painful things.

Edward raised his eyebrow, interrogatively. He didn't seem to believe me. This boy had something.... He had the skill to pierce people's secrets. But he didn't say anything. Why would he try to comfort me anyway? I looked away to avoid his insistant stare and focused on running.

But then, we stopped. I literally bumped into Alphonse, hardly, who lost his balance slightly and was caught by his brother. Once again, My entire fault.

-I'm sorry.... I muttered looking away as I stood up.

At this moment, I truly thought they were upset. I got myself prepared to be sent back, however...

-You didn't harm yourself? Alphonse spoke, my armor is quite hard you know....

I blinked in surprise, considering his sentence. He... wasn't mad at me....?

-N-no.... I murmured shaking my head negatively.

Edward sighed and looked at me, putting his hands on his hips.

-We need to have a talk.

-Now?? But we're running away!! I protested.

-Yes, now.

There was a minute of silence before he spoke again.

-I don't understand the sudden change in your behavior. The first time you see me, you literally challenge me in a duel, you enter like you've been invited in the church, take part of our fight, and? Nothing. You seem to lose all confidence when you begin to fight seriously! Where did that arrogant smirk disappear??

I looked down guiltily. I never planned on being a burden, but now he said that...

-I.... it's just you and Alphonse are so.... Well, you two are so confident in front of the danger! I feel pathetic next to you!! I admitted, not without a tint of frustration in my voice.

-Is that so? Alphonse asked me.

I replied with a nod, waiting for fate to decide what would come next.

-Seriously, Karen, the older brother said, I prefer when you wear your pretentious grin....

I looked at him in surprise.

-It's bad though.... I mean, being proud like this. Not that I really think I am but well....

He looked at his brother, the both of us amused.

-We both know you aren't, but if that mask makes you confident, wear it, Alphonse smiled.

-Plus, we don't need a burden, Edward smirked.

I replied by pouting and crossing my arms, acting angry.

-And I don't need bean sprout, I said.

He looked at me as if he was going to kill me, his fingers dangerously curling into fists and his eyes shining with the flame of anger. Wasn't it what he wanted after all? To calm things down, I began to laugh hard, holding my belly.

-Look at you!! You can say whatever you want, you'll always be upset when someone call you small!!

-Anyway you girly!!! You piss me off so MUCH!! Let's go Al!! he groaned.

Alphonse, still holding the girl who didn't understand what was going on, nodded and followed his brother, laughing too.


We were now on the roof, the younger brother, Rose and me. Rose was the girl. She was looking at Alphonse weirdly, and I suspected the fact something related to the Elric brothers' bodies was revealed to her before I came. I had the time to get changed, by the way. I exchanged my green dress for my usual outfit - a black top with a blue dress and a light trench. I found it so much comfortable for a fight! And of course, I didn't forget my white gloves, to hide my clinking automails. Rose looked at me too, as if I had something to do with the brothers, but I shook my head before watching the town under us.

-We're gonna get Liore in so much trouble though.... I whispered.

-Why do you say so Karen? We free them of a fake priest, Alphonse replied.

I didn't answer. Suddenly, Rose's voice could be heard by the two of us, and I was quite surprised by the question.

-Father Cornello said you two, Edward and Alphonse, committed the greatest taboo in alchemy....? Can you explain me please?

Alphonse got lost in his thoughts before explaining her about how they tried to bring their mother back, how they studied alchemy with a teacher, how they failed and the promise they made. I didn't open my moth during the whole thing. I was thinking Edward didn't tell me that and I just had to discover his secret. I felt like.... an intruder. I shouldn't be here. I wasn't supposed to stand on the roof of Liore's church right now. I wasn't supposed to hear that. Edward wouldn't want.

-But, Alphonse added, all of us has his own scars in his heart.

I looked at him slightly. Did Edward told him? In his armor eyes, it was hard to see something, but at this moment, I thought I saw sympathy. I smiled at him and nodded, crossing my arms.

-We all do, I muttered, we all do....

//hi guys! Here's the new chapter! *wink wink* I hope you'll still like and follow Karen, even if, i admit, she sometimes is quite annoying XD

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin