Chapter 15 : Train ride

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My teacher accompanied me to the train station this day. I did everything I wanted in Central, visiting Katy's grave too. And it was time for me to go back in East City, my diploma carefully put between two shirts in my suitcase and my pocket watch hung at my belt. Since this first mission, I didn't see Mister Claude at all; I just hoped he was alright... A small smile lit up my face just by thinking about him, and even though I tried, I couldn't hide it from my teacher's expert sense of observation...

-What are you thinking about, Karen? she asked me suspiciously.

-Oh, nothing! I answered quickly and nervously.

She didn't reply. I was sure she knew I didn't tell her everything, but I wouldn't precise it right? The train arrived in front of us, and stopped further. Many passengers got out of it and I turned myself toward my teacher.

-Thank you for those days. I hope we'll see each other soon again.

-I hope so too. Take care of you and don't come back in a coffin!

-Sure! I laughed.

Before I could leave though, she grabbed my hand and whispered a last warning, warning that made me feel quite uncomfortable.

-And don't let your heart become your weakness. It's so easy to manipulate us, humans.

The doors closed and the train station got smaller and smaller as I headed toward East City. I sat down next to a window, taking this opportunity to look at the landscape. What did she mean? I was aware she knew about it but why did she tell me to be careful about this? It was odd, I just wished her predictions wouldn't happen... That could mean Mister Claude would be in danger because of me... A woman sat in front of me. She had dark locks, and looked incredibly awesome. Not to mention her chest.... I felt kind of jealous right now.... Bt what attired my look was her luggage; or rather, her cat box. The cat, in fact, seemed really familiar, and I realized it was the one "stalking" me during all this time! The woman gave me a really sweet smile and I even wondered if it was not hypocritical...

-Are you alright dear? she asked me.

I nodded awkwardly.

-Yeah, I'm fine... I just thought I saw your cat somewhere...

-Ah, of course! I often let him do whatever he wants in the train stations!

That could be an explanation, but something was off... The cat was staring at me again...

-Why is it staring....? I asked her.

-He always acts this way around strangers, don't worry.


This woman's only presence made me feel strange, in fact. She had a kind of disturbing aura, really dark, around her... It was the same feeling as Mister Claude when he was behind me at the prom! But slightly weaker.... I pointed her chest, suddenly attired by something.

-It's a nice tattoo, what does it represent?

She smiled slightly, but something different shone in her eyes...

-An ouroboros. A dragon biting its own tail.

According to my alchemy books, the Ouroboros was used to describe immortality, eternal life, and an infinite cycle. Why did I have the feeling this was all about this woman?

-That's interesting! I never saw this kind of tattoo! I told her.

I moved awkwardly on my seat, looking at my hands. When her voice spoke again, suddenly, I jumped out of surprise, my look crossing her. And it was really scary... Her eyes weren't sympathetic at all, not anymore. They seemed to sparkle with anger...

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now