Chapter 12 : Quick departure

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The journey to East City was far from being peaceful, calm, like what I expected. No, there just had to be a damn group of terrorists. And, on top of that, the General Hakurou himself, and his family were in the train, not to complicate stuffs. Fortunately, the terrorists had the good idea to piss Edward off about his height, and so, we (rather Edward and Alphonse...) easily defeated them. Explained like this, the attack seemed pretty simple! Actually, I had to admit, it was pretty difficult... Mostly when one of my legs was useless. The one, good thing, was the militaries waiting for us in the train station...

-Roy?! What are you doing here?? I exclaimed, surprised, as I hugged him.

Before leaving to Liore, we were in Central... What the hell??

-I was kinda... Demoted. By the General Hakurou you and the Elrics saved today...

I frowned slightly.

-Though it seems your rank is a little bit higher no...?

-It doesn't have the same impact whether you're in Central or East City... he sighed.

Well, he surely was right. I bet the General was in fact scared he would become too important... Militaries... They didn't hesitate to manipulate each other, bitching around, just to save their oh so precious rank and reputation. Not to mention what they could do to have a higher rank..! Those things were absolutely disgusting, and yet, I was prepared to become a state alchemist, who would have to obey those capricious dogs... His eyes dropped on my broken leg and the beguiles I was holding. And Roy's eyes started to shine, with the flames of anger....

-What's this?

I perfectly knew what he meant, but I wanted to act stupid for once...

-This? What this?

-Your leg idiot! How did you manage to break it?!

I looked away, trying to find a good pretext. However, nothing came to my mind and I was forced to tell the truth...

-I saved a boy in a fire... A beam fell on me, kinda...

It wasn't a lie! But I didn't want him to yell at me because I put one's life before mine, so I had to make him doubt a little bit.

-You are...!! he started to get angry.

Then he took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I never saw him this pissed off, even when I performed my human transmutation... And it was only a broken leg, it could have been worse.

-I am...?

-An idiot!! Stubborn, stupid, naive!!! Dammit... he sighed.

Roy came close to me and pulled me so tight against his chest I thought I was going to suffocate. However, I smiled and returned the hug, doing my best not to drop my beguiles at the same time. He sighed again, maybe tired of my ability to get hurt easily, and pulled away. I was lucky I had a brother like him. Who was here when something was wrong, who comforted me when I was sad... Even though I noticed it wasn't as warm as before Ishval war... But I chose to ignore this fact and enjoy my time with Roy.

Minutes later, Edward and Alphonse came out with the terrorists. My brother came toward them, smirking, a hand on his hips. Here we go again... That would be the same show as always.

-Well, I didn't make any mistake when I chose to trust you, Fullmetal!

Edward raised an eyebrow and we Alan understood what my brother meant. I thought he exaggerated, it was mean from him!!

-You used me and Al to take care of those terrorists?! You must be kidding!!

-I'm not! You see, you did a good job Fullmetal! We would have been too slow to come and help anyway!

-You colonel bastard!!!!!

I frowned. My brother was wrong, alright, but I couldn't stand him being insulted! I wanted Edward to show some respect to him!

-Edward!! Your words!! I said hitting him with one of my beguiles.

-It hurts Karen!! he complained groaning.

I shrugged, annoyed. After all, he deserved it! He got angry when someone told bad things to Alphonse too! Why shouldn't I?

-And? He's my sibling!!

Roy laughed and patted my head affectionately, a smile tugged at his lips.

-What would I do without you Karen... he spoke.

I smiled widely too, thinking I wasn't as useful to him as I'd like to be, but I was not a burden either. I was his sister! I would help him, no matter what....

All of a sudden, the leader of the terrorists stood up, untying his ropes, and a blade came out of his automail.... That was crap!! Fortunately, Roy grabbed his gloves and quickly, easily, turned the man into a fried chicken.... I saw that many times before, so I want surprised at all, but his men's faces were priceless! Not to mention the citizens around us... On our way out of the train station, murmurs were heard, that crept me of and I started to doubt again...

-The Flame and Fullmetal Alchemist eh...

-So this is the state alchemists' power...

-Those guys aren't human....

-Real beasts....

I wanted to shout, yelling it was untrue. State alchemists were still human, despite their amazing alchemy and powers. State alchemists were normal humans, nothing more, nothing less, just humans.... I looked around and tilted my head as a black cat seemed to observe us... It was surely my imagination, why would a cat stall us?? It was ridiculous! I mentally laughed at myself for being stupid. It was just a simple cat...

Right before I stepped out of the train station, I dropped my right beguile on the floor to grab my brother's sleeve. Stopped in his move, he turned around to give me a questioning look.

-What is it Karen? Something wrong?

-I'm not staying in East City, I told him, I have something extremely important to do in Central.

-Central? That means you leave right now?

-Yes Roy! I smiled confidently, and when we'll see each other again, you'll be proud of me!

-Though, I'm already proud of you!

-You'll be even more! I waved at them, I hope you'll be alright!!

-See ya Karen, Edward smirked.

And I wondered if he knew... Did he read my diary?!?! No way...

-Well, be careful Karen, Central isn't sure... Roy warned me.

-I know. I'll be back in a single piece!!

The doors of the train station closed and I picked my beguile up before heading to the train to Central. To my diploma.

//i am one day late!! XD I didn't notice it wasn't weekend anymore because of holidays XD I'm really sorry!!!
Karen: can you tell me, if it doesn't seem like repeating myself, how I'm supposed to do with my-
Me: STOP!!!! I don't want to spoil my dear readers!! Let meeeee!!! > <
Karen: meeeeeh!!

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