Chapter 5 : The town in the East

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I just finished preparing my stuffs for the trip and immediately headed toward the train station. The departure would be in no time and I couldn't take my time. Plus, I couldn't be noticed by the Elric brothers either. If they knew I was following them, I was sure to be scolded to death! I shook my head quickly and got in the train: the conductors weren't going to wait for me if I stayed too much thinking out of the vehicle, and someone - I'm talking about the Elric brothers - could notice me and troubles would begin. Not to be seen, my brother advised me to change my clothes, what I (a little reluctantly though) did, so now I was wearing brown and high leather boots with laces and a dark green dress which reached my knees. I also had a hat but didn't bother to change my hairstyle. I liked it the way it was. In my suitcase was my normal outfit, I didn't plan on staying hidden forever! And heels weren't really comfortable to jump and fight... The train started out and I leaned my elbow on the edge of the window, appreciating the landscape scrolling in front of my eyes. Footsteps got closed to my seat and I turned slightly my head.

-Hey Ed, you sure these are the only sits left?

-Well yeah, have you seen any others?


-So erm... May we sit here miss...? Edward asked.

Carefully to keep my face hidden with the hat, I turned toward them. I cleaned my throat slightly to change my voice a little.

-Of course! It doesn't bother me! I replied with a softer voice than usual.

-That's very nice of you! he thanked me sitting next to me, if you don't mind, where are you going?

I smiled a little.

-Liore. I have some family there and I visit them! What about you?

-Liore too! And we erm... We search something there.

-I hope you'll find it! I told them.

The rest of the trip was rather silent. I was reading an alchemy book but put a fake cover on the original one to pretend it wasn't actually alchemy. They didn't seem to mind though, and I was being careful not to show anything on the pages. I began to gather my stuffs when I knew we weren't far anymore and, when the train stopped, I followed the people and got out. The Elric brothers waved at me as they left toward the opposite.

-Bye bye! they told me.

-Bye! I answered smiling.

When they were finally gone, I let out a heavy sigh. The journey nearly became a catastrophe! What about now... I couldn't stay stuck in the middle of the streets, I had to find something. I began to walk, looking around, why not visit a little after all? Liore was a rather big city and it wouldn't hurt walking a little. I suddenly bumped into someone.

-Oh I'm sorry sir, I apologized.

-No it's fine! Are you new here? You don't seem to come from Liore.

I raised a little my hat to have a better view on him.

-No, indeed, I'm from Central, but I travel in Amestris.

-That's interesting! I'm Josh, what about you? he asked stretching his hand out.

-Karen, I answered grabbing his hand.

Suddenly, there was a sound coming out of a speakers and the radio was diffused everywhere in the town.

-Pray for God and you'll find happiness, Leto is the-

I raised an eyebrow.

-What's this.... Thing?

I stopped myself quickly not to say "bullshit" because it wouldn't be polite, but well...

-Oh! It's Father Cornello's radio program! We all love him here, and we all believe in the God Leto!

I kept myself from rolling my eyes and let out a slight sigh.

-I see...

-I can make you discover it if you want! You should see his miracles!

-Well.... Why not...? I said raising an eyebrow.

I didn't want to be bad with him, I could easily tell he loved his religion! He grabbed my suitcase, thinking I needed help, then guided me toward the square in front of the church. There, I took my suitcase back and hoped on top of it so I could see better. I wasn't very tall, mind you... I could see the Father transforming a simple flower into a crystal flower!! If I didn't want to be discreet I would already shout "OH MY GOD ALCHEMY!!!!!" and note the non respect of the equivalent exchange law, but only a small cough came out of my throat as I tried to contain myself. Josh turned himself toward me and it was his turn to slightly raise an eyebrow.

-What's wrong Karen? he asked me.

-Oh nothing. I just don't believe these are miracles... I explained narrowing my eyes.

-What do you mean? Father Cornello's miracles are true! You saw them right?

-Who do you think I am, Josh? I sighed.

-A girl of my age who came to visit her family....? he said not sure anymore.

-That's what I say. In fact, I'm more than that. I'm an alchemist! I revealed proudly pointing my chest with my thumb as I looked at him from the top of my suitcase.

He raised his other eyebrow, not seeming to believe me at all. Hah, villagers... They knew nothing about sciences or even Central...

-And what am I supposed to do? Believing you or thinking you're crazy?

I rolled my eyes and went down of my suitcase, holding my hat on top of my head as I let out a small sigh.

-Believe me or not, our ways get separated from now on. If you don't mind can you guide me to father Cornello's before I definitely leave you please?

-Why so? You won't hurt him right?

I grabbed my suitcase and offered him my most innocent smile.

-Of course not! I'm just curious about his miracles? Maybe could he give me few lessons about Leto?

-That seems a great idea, come on! he told me.

I followed him into the crowd, holding my suitcase tightly, hearing the light noises of my automails clinking under my sleeves.

//Heyo!!! Here is the new chapter, with the second page of Karen's diary!! Hope you like it!!

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now