Chapter 13 : Mysterious encounter

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I am a very unlucky person. It seems only bad things happen to me, and that's right!
My journey to Central for example. It was a real hell! First, the train was late. But it wasn't five little minutes! It was an entire hour! Standing on a platform with two beguiles and a suitcase was quite a dare, but I guess I survived.... Finally, when the train stopped in front of me, I was pushed by the many people who wanted to enter too, and I nearly didn't take that train at all... This was awful!! I had beguiles and everyone would be in soon enough! They could help me instead of pushing me... It was shameful to see how humans could be merciless with each other... Once I entered, my next difficulty was to find a seat. And that was quite complicated... The only one left was situated in front of a mom and her crying baby, next to a snobbish business man. I wondered why he didn't take a first class ticket, in fact, but people's life didn't interest me... I smiled as I took my seat, trying not to annoy my "neighbors" with my beguiles. The woman gave me a kind smile, which I answered the best I could. Her baby didn't seem to calm down, and all her efforts were pointless... The man next to me seemed very annoyed by that, and simply covered his ears to show everyone how pissed off he was. I really wanted to help te woman and her baby, but I didn't know how... I wasn't a clown, and I never tried to make a baby laugh... I ended clapping my hands and transmuting some air in front of it, making it look like animals. The baby seemed amazed and soon stopped crying, laughing at the weird animals. I laughed too and the mother thanked me when the baby finally fell asleep.

-How can I thank you for this? It was truly awesome!

-Oh nothing, don't worry for that, I smiled, it was a pleasure.

-You're so sweet. Are you going to Central for the state alchemist exam? she asked me.

-That's right. Though, I don't really know how I'm going to succeed with my accident...

I pointed my broken leg, shrugging.

-I'll try anyway!

-You seem young to belong to the military.... she stated.

-Well, I made my choice. I won't regret it, I'll have more books to read like this! I laughed.

-That's amazing to see someone your age this determined nowadays, she declared, it's becoming rare...

-Oh, there are more than what you think, I replied.


I said I was unlucky... Well, I believed I was until the train stopped in Central train station. At this moment, the businessman who was sat next to me pulled me harshly toward a dark corner, only giving me time to grab my beguiles and my suitcase. I glared at him.

-What do you want? I snapped.

-I heard everything, he said, I know you're going to try the state alchemist exam.

-And?! I asked aggressively still not understanding.

The stranger seemed to look for something in his pocket. He pulled out a stone red like blood. It looked amazing... Fascinating. He approached it to my leg and a soft light appeared, with warmth. It was so sweet around my leg.... He also used the stone to remove my cast and my leg seemed new. I looked up at him, amazed.

-Th-Thank you very much! H-how did you....?

The man shrugged it off and stood up, putting the stone back in its pocket.

-You don't need to know. But you can't afford to be this hurt right? For you, for us...

-"Us"...? I repeated without understanding.

-You'll understand soon enough. But you first need to be part of the militaries. Now, good bye, we'll surely meet again.

With those last words, he left all of a sudden, leaving me alone in that dark corner of Central train station. Still blindsided, I stood up and gathered my stuffs (I couldn't abandon my beguiles so I tied the to my suitcase). Once I went out of the building, I had a shock. It wasn't "a" stone... It was the Philosopher's stone!! I looked back inside of the train station but couldn't spot the mysterious man... I had to call Edward as soon as possible to tell him I may had a new track. As I was about to leave again, I saw it again, the black cat, the one that seemed to stare at me... I frowned slightly. It was exactly the same cat as last time, even if you could say black cats all looked the same. But this one had something special, a kind of mischievous aura, and it seemed to wear a dark smirk.... I sighed and, once more, chose to shrug it off. I had important purposes, a cat couldn't disturb me that much. Without any further question, I left once and for all that train station. On my way to the rich neighborhoods of Central, I met a kid. He was barely eight years old, but already, one of his legs was cut. I gave him my now useless beguiles and few cenz so he could buy something to eat. Then I moved on. I couldn't help but imagine my teacher's face when I'd be knocking on her door. She'll probably yell at me because I wanted to become a state alchemist, but I knew she would also do her best to teach me more things about alchemy. And she had a free phone, I didn't need to pay to use it at least. I put my suitcase down when I stopped in front of her mansion. Before arriving to the front door, there was a massive gate and a very long alley to cross... I pushed the gate and entered. At this moment, I felt the air gathering around me before exploding. I just had the moment to dive on the floor and create an air shield to protect myself, when my teacher came out of the door, at fifty meters from me.

-Nice to see you didn't lose your reflexes, my dear student, she smirked.

-How would I? I left for an adventure, after all! I smiled standing up.

She smiled and came toward me.

-So? What brings you back here? she asked me.

I bent in front of her, seriously.

-Once again, I need your teaching, Mrs Laetitia Nightingale.

-Hoh, this sounds interesting.

//hello!! Don't ask me why I post a new chapter today, it's just because I really need this story to arrive to one point quickly so I can post my special Valentine's Day story!!! XD I hope you enjoy, another new chapter is coming out today too!

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt