Best Birthday Surprise (for Jessie)

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Ayeeee, this one's for Mypsychopathicfamily !!

Hope ya like it Jessie!


There was a loud knock my front door, distracting me from what I was doing.

I set my phone on my coffee table and eagerly walked over to the door. I unlocked it and opened it, revealing my best friend, Ashley, arms full of snacks and blankets.

"Sup bitchhhh." She said as she walked into my house.

I closed the door behind her and we headed towards the stairs.

"Let's get this party started!" Ashley shouted as she ran up the stairs and into my room. I followed her.

"Such a big party." I replied sarcastically.

She playfully rolled her eyes.

"It's a 2 person party... the best kind of party."

"Yup. At least I'm not celebrating my birthday alone."

"Hey, we're not gonna repeat your 17th birthday."

I smiled slightly.

"Now, supernatural or spongebob?" She asked.

"Both!" I excitedly shouted as I jumped on the bed full of blankets and pillows.

"Alrighty, snacks?" She said, looking around in the large bag she had filled to the brim with junk food.

"Doritos?" I asked, knowing she would be annoyed with my choice.

"Bitch," she looked at me,"of course."

I grabbed the bag and pulled it closer to me, examining the contents.

"Pickles?" I asked, pulling a large jar of dill pickles out of the bag.

"Don't rain on my parade, they're good," she chuckled, taking them from me. She turned to the window in the corner of my room. "We could set up a movie theatre on your roof if you want, we could bring blankets and stuff too."

"Do you have a death wish?" I asked, chuckling at the fact that she wanted to set up a theatre on the fucking roof.

That's exactly how people die.

She shrugged and we laughed. We then did what we did best, eat and watch tv.

As the clocked ticked by 9 we heard a knock on the door.


"Bitch, who else did you invite?" Ashley asked, offended as if I invited other people.

In all honesty, I had no idea who was at the door. I small part of me hoped it would be Colby, but he was away right now, so that idea's goin in the trash.

"Maybe it's a serial killer." I said aloud.

She shot me a dirty look.

"Jessie, now I'm gonna have nightmares. Thank you oh so very much."

I laughed and got up from my bed, making my way down the stairs.

As I neared the door. I heard Ashley from the top of the stairs.

"I'll be up here, scream for me if it's a murderer."

I rolled my eyes.

"Get yo ass over here right now."

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