He made rash decisions because he didn't care about the outcome. He spoke his mind because no repercussion could outweigh the damage he was doing to himself. And he was quick to aggression because it was a familiar friend.

All these things made the current stand off all the more unorthodox. Lana would have probably paid good money to see them like this. Roles so reversed. William steaming in rage, Dean chilled with indifference.

William was the first to break the chilly silence. "I've apologize enough Dean...more than anyone should have to for a mistake made in youth and with good intentions. I don't know what more you desire from me." He gritted out stiffly. The words seemingly forced from him. In all the years since the incident, they've never truly discussed it. Instead, they both mutually came to the agreement to shove it far back into the recesses of their mind where they hoped, like anything left forgotten, it would die.

But life can be found in the darkest of black, and it can grow, thrive. Until one day it's an all consuming force that has no where to go but up. Up from the depths of it's dark home to the once familiar light it was cast from to display it's gruesome beauty. Much like it was doing now.

If possible, Dean's icy demeanour intensified. "I want what you so easily took from me. I want the life I should have had. A life with people that would have actually loved me. The life that you have and take for granted." All this was said with such calm it was almost unsettling. But William knew the simmering pot that boiled beneath them and he lashed out in kind. "I didn't take that from you! You've always been welcomed here! Wanted-"

"Well how nice of you. To give the little orphan ,and abandoned boy, a home. How many other charitable acts did it save your family from having to take part in?" Dean cut in sharply.

"You know that's not how it was. My mother loves you like one of her own. She would do anything for you-"

"No!" Dean shouted, the armor of ice surrounding him showing it's first crack. "No...she may love me, but she loves me the way someone loves a pet," the word 'pet' was spat with all the scorn he currently felt rising in him, but he forced it back down. His next words had a much calmer edge. "painstakingly raised. At the end of the day, if it becomes to troublesome, then you better believe fido's gotta go."

William looked slightly taken aback. Something vulnerable flashed in his eyes but Dean didn't care to figure out what. "...is that really what you think?" He asked quietly, searching Dean's emotionless gaze. "That we tossed you out? Should I remind you that it was you who couldn't find the door fast enough after your eighteenth birthday?" He folded his strong arms over his chest and moved closer to Dean so he could stare the younger male down. "You wanted to leave. You didn't want to be here anymore. No one wanted you gone!"

Dean came to a stand so fast, William had no choice but to take a few steps back. "Your father DID!!" William's eyes widened in shock but Dean wasn't done. "After you ratted me out to the goddamn council, the same council your fathers a part of, he told me I was no longer welcomed. That I had until my transition but after that I had to go. And I have no doubt, perfect obedient William Shore felt the same!! That you all felt the same! Right?" The shell of ice around him completely vaporized. Leaving a very raw, very sad Dean in it's place.

William didn't know what to say. All these years he thought Dean had been the one to reject them. Had wanted no part of the Shore family. On one hand, he had understood. Dean viewed his actions as a betrayal, one that wasn't easily forgiven. But on the other hand, he had felt betrayed in some ways himself. They didn't always have a bad relationship. In fact they used to be extremely close. And his mother had done her best to pull the shy six year old out of his shell and make him feel like part of the family. She always wanted more kids, even after her husband grew content with what they already had. Dean was a perfect and well timed addition to the family. So he could never understand how Dean could so easily turn his back on all that. At the very least Elizabeth. Now he understood.

Queen Of Paradox (Unedited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang