Chpter 32- running away

Start from the beginning

"That little-" the last words are muffled because my head is being spun around at a million miles an hour. Was it a good idea to go head first?


"Finn!" I hear a shout of relief as I hurtle into the bin, getting some banana peel in my mouth, which makes me almost gag. "Are you okay?" She pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around her back. "I hear everything that went on. How did you get out?" She asks and I break away form her, ready to tell her the whole story.

"Well, I was just about to come down here when I heard the men behind me. I was like literally devastated okay? I tried to go down and I could hear the footsteps coming after me, but I just wouldn't go down. Soon I realised it was because one of the men had hold of my collar and dragged me out into the floor. However, I was able to punch him in the face and dive into the garbage chute, explaining why I came out head first" I tell her and she hugs me tighter than before.

"Finn, what would I have done if you had gotten caught? Now, where do we go?" She asks me. I actually don't have a clue but I know the men will be down here soon, let's just hope we can get out before then.

"The men will be here soon, we'll have to go somewhere... maybe not on school grounds" I sigh and hop out of the bin before lifting Molly down.

"Oh no! I'm all covered in rubbish and mud!" Molly cries, looking at her dress. "And this is my favourite!" She sobs, looking down at the ripped mess covering her body.

"Aha! I know where we can go!" An Idea springs to mind and I grab Molly's hand and walk towards the edge of the school. We run across the road and to the other side, where there is a hedge lining the perimeter of this side of the road. I find the hole that Liam showed me and sneak through, watching the hole time to check that Molly is behind me.

"Where are we going? It can't be anywhere too far, we'll never get back in time for Harry" it suddenly hits me.

"What's the time?" I ask Molly and she pulls out her phone, which now has a massive crack all down the front.

"Almost 8:30pm" she tells me and I look back.

"Wait, what time does the disco end?" Molly checks her phone again. I can see she is upset by the massive crack on her phone, I would be. I thought blackberry's were indestructible, or so they say they are. Then again, Molly's phone is still working, however many time she tries to throw it at someone's head. She's done that many times since I've met her.

"9:30pm" so we have an hour. That should be enough time. All we have to do is stay hidden until then. I lead her up a grassy hill. At least her not having heels anymore means she can come up hills, which is just what we came to the disco to do, wasn't it!

"Again, where are you taking me?" Molly asks, as we come to the top of the hill. I don't have to answer her question because it's right there, in front of us.

"Whoa..." She sighs, taking it all in. In front of us is the most beautiful moonlit lake, with trees surrounding it and the water so clear you can see the bottom without a single haze. I thought it looked amazing in the day but this is just another meaning for the word amazing, an even more amazing definition.

"Come on!" Molly hurtles down the hill and over to the bank. "This is amazing!" She cries, throwing her arms out. I stand behind her, making this sort of look like titanic, but without the music. Molly giggles and turns to face me. I kiss her on the cheek.

"Let's get in then" I tell her and she frowns.

"Get in?!" She asks me. Well, what else are we going to do?

"Yeah, you didn't want to be all muddy" I tell her, taking off my top and my jeans so i am just left in my boxers. I dive into the lake, instantly hit by the freezing water. I start to shake.

"Come in..." I shiver. "The waters w-warm" I think she can sort of tell that I'm lying. However, seeing what I've don't, Molly rips off her broken dress and come to join me, soon realising that it isn't as warm as I made it out to be.

"This is f-freezing!" She exclaims, holding onto her self and curling up into a ball. Surprisingly, the water is actually quite deep. Well, deep enough so I can only just touch my feet on the bottom. I am about a head height taller than Molly, so I'm guessing she can't touch it at all. I really hope she can swim.

"I'm getting out!" She tells me. She's moly been in about two minutes but already she's getting out? She can't be serious. The waters well, quite refreshing really? Okay, no, it's absolutely freezing, but it's good for you... Hopefully.

"What am I going to wear?" Molly asks me, searching around. "I can't wear my dress! And I am not going around in bra and knickers so..." I can kind of see where she's going.

"Put on my shirt" I tell her. I can last without one. Anyway, Molly's the one complaining. She's lost everything and, well, I guess I'm fine. Her mum is going to kill her... Well, us.

"I'm getting out as well" I tell her, swimming towards the bank And soon realising it's colder outside than it is in the water.

"Arg!" I scream trying to dry myself clean with my trousers before sliding them on. Molly has now got my top on and is sitting down on the ground, sobbing over her white dress.

"It was only £15 but I love this dress" she cries and I come and sit next to her. I guess I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know what this would feel like but I'm going to sympathise with her, because it's what a boyfriend would do... If I am her boyfriend, which I'm guessing I am, because of what we've done tonight.

"It's okay, Molly. You can buy a new dress, in fact, this weekend we can go shopping and I'll buy you one" I reluctantly say, hoping she'll decline my offer. Like I thought, she takes it and I sigh.

"See, we'll have a great time" I lie. She'll probably have a great time but I hate shopping! I'll probably die of boredom. It's for her though, so I can last.

"What time is it now?" I ask her. Turns out we've got 45 minutes until the disco ends.

"Let's go. I need the toilet" she tells me and I nod. Actually, I quite need the loos myself so I follow her back up the hill, taking one last glance at the troubled water we've just been swimming in.

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