• s o m e w h e r e •

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A feeling that was always there -

faint but yet so clear ,
the feeling of the fact that home was there ,
somewhere there ,
maybe even somewhere near ;

for days and years ,
she searched for the unfound h o m e ,
she looked for home in her father's embrace ,
but he was busy -
earning , travelling , attending meetings and God knew what more ;
she looked for home in her mother's support ,
but she was too busy
paying heed to what
" the people " said ,
that she couldn't even
hear her daughter's cry ,
' help ' ;

She tried to find home
in her friends' laughter ,
but they were too busy joking
to see right past through her ;
She searched for home in his eyes ,
but he too , failed to look into the
long lost girl's mind ;

she tried to find home in the place
she grew up in ,
but they labelled her ,
and said she had failed to adjust in ,

she was the girl who couldn't fit in ,
but , she still had hope for a home
that maybe was still there ,
somewhere in between ;

home was where
she would finally breathe in ,
home was when
she would finally be herself ,
home was where
she would belong in ,
home was where
she would no more be -
labelled , judged , criticized ;
home was where
she wouldn't be blamed for being weak ,
home was when the albatross on her shoulders would finally fly up high ,
away ;
spreading its broad wings ;
home was when she would stop questioning herself ,
home was there ,
her home was somewhere there ,
and , she will find it ,
because ,
her yearning for home hadn't ended ,
no , not yet .


into her phenakistoscopeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora