• l o n e l y s i g h •

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As the breeze of October
brings the faint smell
of the winter weather ,

for a few moments of lost hours ,
the sun light stood by ,
and decided to peep through her window -
kissing the brown walls
with a pink tinted frostbite ;

the aureate sun shined the warmest ,
before finally bidding a bittersweet goodbye ;

for as the day was over,
a night waiting to halt by ;

the moment just before
the blue twilight
startled her
with a deep secret ,
that hung high ;

the untold promises
hanging around everywhere ,
in the air she breathed in ,
reminded her of the day
in the near future ,
that she was going to wait for ,
from now on ,
with a warm smile .


[If this girl's words have touched your soul , matter not how faint the sensation felt , would you mind dears , if she wished for you to tap on that minuscule star beneath and send kudos to her , please ?] :)

«« Author's note : October was eventful -__- . Have any of you got an eventful month ? »»

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