• s t a y •

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Is something drifting away ?
Maybe the winter wind
and with it ...
maybe you too .

Hey ,
hold on .
Hold on because I will need you .
Hold on because so many others will .
Don't jump into that river without me , instead let's just hop along the way .

Don't let your pace slow down ,
I constantly have the feeling
that you're being left behind ,

It's okay ,
I'll slow down my pace too ,
to match up to you .

Then , we'll catch up together ?
Let's complete our memory books ,
please ?

Won't you take polaroids of us
in an unknown city someday
on the one day ?

Won't you bribe me
with quality streets in a
magnificent violet box
for getting me out of my library ?

Won't you agree to disagree
on matching night suits ?

S t a y ,
don't drift away from here .
You can drift away from me , it's okay ,
but don't drift away from here ,
from this moment .

Humans fall ,
humans stumble ,
humans shatter to pieces beyond repair , humans die inside
every other day ,
humans give up ,
humans lose the way ,
humans face defeats every other day ,
it's okay when I say okay ,
because I know it's all gonna be okay ,
one day .

One day will come one day ,
just have a bit of faith in the belief that
time is flowing and
this time will flow away too .

You exist .
Breathe in .
You exist .
Breathe out .

Breathe in again .
L I V E .

You were meant to .
You ARE meant to .

You are h e r e .
Be h e r e .

To you ,
and to all the souls drifting away ,
s t a y ,
stay in this
' h e r e ' ,
in this
' r i g h t n o w ' .


[If this girl's words have
touched your soul ,
matter not how faint
the sensation felt ,
would you mind dears ?

if she wished for you to tap on that minuscule star beneath
and send kudos to her ,
please ?] :)

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