• t h e c a t •

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The black cat will be meowing
crouching on the rainy days
inside the small basket ;

the cat will be wondering
if to walk on its soft paws ,
and then will instantly
shun off the thought ,
because it'll be too sombre to get off ;

the black cat will be meowing
the sound of it will be faint
like a dying melody ,
its green tinted eyes will be wailing -
will be wailing the unspoken words ,
and then will drearily look away .

he loved cats and
he thought she was like one


[If this girl's words have
touched your soul ,
matter not how faint
the sensation felt ,
would you mind dears ?

if she wished for you to tap on that minuscule star beneath
and send kudos to her ,
please ?] :)

into her phenakistoscopeWhere stories live. Discover now