• t r e a s u r e •

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His eyelids were not fluttering,
because he hardly had any
vivid dreams ;

but he just kept sleeping,
for a while when she just kept watching ;

and like a toddler he slept -
the calmest thing on earth
with that serene face,
the quietest breath ever heard,

it was all she ever wanted to see,
and it was all she ever wanted to keep seeing ;

captured the image and kept it
safe and secured,
in the deepest core of her
memory box ;

she had to protect this,
she had to protect this little fragile precious soul with all her might,
with all her ‘self’,
she got to,
she got to,
he was her treasure,
her favourite treasure.


[If this girl's words have
touched your soul,
matter not how faint
the sensation felt,

would you mind dears?
if she wished for you to tap on that minuscule star beneath
and send kudos to her,
please ?] :)

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