• t h e b o y w h o w a s h e r c h i l d h o o d •

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Dear Childhood ,
though I’ve written this letter
more than thrice already inside my mind ,
but still I’ve to put it in a form ,

childhood ,
you used to be a really really good boy ,
you used to be such a good boy ,
you used to be the boy with a GOOD heart ,
but , an evil spelled as ,‘ l I f e ’ ,
happened to you ,
and took your precious innocence away ,
and then , you grew up ;

you grew up , childhood ,
and left the kid inside you behind ,

the day I abandoned you ,
I abandoned the kid inside me too ,
I lost my real self ,
that part of me that only you knew ,
the rebellious , stubborn ,
integration shaped ponytailed girl
with owl glasses
who still believed in a world
beyond this reality ,
she looks the same but is not ;

what happened ?
What have you done to yourself ?
How have you reached to this stage
where you don’t care about
human emotions anymore ?
Do you not anymore care about hurting humans with your words that are sarcastic to you but mean to the others ?
Why childhood ? Why ?
Why have you turned into this ‘guy’ who speaks insensitive words
without thinking twice
to people who loves him so dearly ?
You were never like this
never. .

they kept labelling you with so many words and a point came when I couldn’t speak a word to rebel against them ;
because , deep down inside my heart ,
I too admitted ;
hey , what happened ?
How did my green hearted tree hugger become an insensitive careless soul ?

People change ,
everyone does ,
everything does ;

but , what saddens me is thinking
about what you turned into ;

remember the times we talked about
things that didn’t exist for real ?
Remember the times we talked for
hours and hours about things that existed
in our minds and our world only ?
Remember how I grabbed your hand and showed you my world that I created
with my imagination ?
Remember when it was just us
against the critics ?

Can you recall the kid inside you ?
I know he’s still inside you . .
there . . right there . .
waiting to be called out again . .
I say , call out to him with all the strength
you can gather, and reach out for his hand and pull him up ;

let him stand up with head held high ,
let his messy bushy hair fly in the wind and
let his innocence be sung out loud again ;
and when you’ll bring him back to me ,
our paths will cross once again,
and we’ll have a seemingly endless
ridiculous ‘free from ordinary human sense’ conversation , once again , okay ?


[If this girl's words have
touched your soul ,
matter not how faint
the sensation felt ,
would you mind dears ?
if she wished for you to tap on that minuscule star beneath
and send kudos to her ,
please ?] :)

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