• d e a r •

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I’d call you the sun
in my void galaxy ;
as most people do ,
when in love ;

but ,
no ,
I won’t ,
because dear ,
you’re not a burning star made up of
plasma that burns anything
which dares to get too close to it ,

you’re not that glowing star
which looks so beautiful
from a far distance
but is perilous
when is too close ,
no , you’re not a beauty that
hoodwinks just to ruinate to shreds ;

you’re safe to come near to ,
you’re beautiful from a distance
and even more beautiful from close ;

you’re benign to touch ,
when within reach ;

no , you’re not a
destructive ruinous pretty being that
just is safe enough to look at -
whose beauty is only permitted
to fathom from afar ;

instead ,
you’re an unforbidding being ,
a coalesce of soul and body ,
of dreams and hopes ,
of care and affection ,
of kindness and benevolence ;

dear ,
you’re a human ,
the being that saved my soul ;

you’re like that first rain drop
that pat my head
on a same old weary day
when I was walking home
looking down at the ground ;

you’re like that first rain drop that
made me look above at the vast infinite sky ,
which later started to sprinkle on me
like pixie dusts on a Princess
in a classic Disney movie ;

but then ,
came the pour ,
and the shower
that startled me back to life ;

that’s how you came ,
like an uncalled blessing
showering on me
on a scorching dry day .


[If this girl's words have
touched your soul ,
matter not how faint
the sensation felt ,
would you mind dears ?

if she wished for you to tap on that minuscule star beneath
and send kudos to her ,
please ?] :)

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