Focused On Work #24

Start from the beginning

"Mis-...Yuki can I be alone for a while. I will come get you in a moment?" I asked her and she was still holding my hand. It didn't feel right and it made me want to hold Noris hand.

"Ofcourse." She said and let go of my hand. I walk to the door and open it. I start to walk towards the rosegarden. 'Damn it. Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!! Why didn't I just go see her last night!!? How can I be so stupid!!? She went trough such a hard time just few days ago and now I'm breaking promices...and her heart!!! Agh!!! I'm an idiot!! Damn this guardian thing!!! Why did I have to stay by Yukis side last night!!? Nori must of been so hurt!!!'

"So you didn't see NoNo off?" A voice asked and I looked up to see Judal floating in the air.

"Who?" I asked and he flew down.

"NoNo....." He said and looked like he was waiting me to say something.

"....Nori." Judal said and I looked at him. 'Does he have a pet name for her!? Sence when!!? And why don't I have something like that for her!!!?

"No I didn't." I said and Judal gave me a disapointed look.

"You know she loves you right?" Judal asked and I looked down.

"And what the hell do you know about love!!?" I shouted in anger. I was angry at Judal, but mostly angry at myself.

"I personally think it's just a waste of time and nothing, but a mere weakness." Judal said and I was even more angry. I took a hold of his shirt and looked at him with a death glare.

"You don't even believe in it!!! So don't say shit like that!!!" I shouted and Judal pushed me away from him.

"Damn it Kouha!! NoNo believes in it!!" Judal shouted and those words hit me harder than a rock.

"She wants to love you, but you are making it hard for her!!! I don't think there is anything like love!!! But NoNo does, it makes her happy and that is something I want her to feel!!!" Judal shouted and was about to fly away.

"You don't even care about others!!! Why are you suddenly so concurned about Noris feeling!!!?" I shouted and he looked at me.

"I don't care about her or her feelings!! I only know you care, but now you are acting like a bitch to her! I just can't stand it!" Judal said and I looked away. 'He is right, I am acting like a bitch to her. Why does he have to be right about this?'

"She was crying for hours last night. Wishing you would save her from herself. Judal said and with that he flew away. 'Sence when did Judal care about others!!? What the hell is going on!!? Everything is just a huge mess!!! Why did I let this happen!!!?' I was a mess, everything was upside down and the world around me didn't work like it should.

Nori's pov.

I was leading the solders and didn't really like the way they were looking at me. 'I know they are just some random people paid to do shit for royals, but still. They don't need to look at me like they were going to rape me. God damn it! Why does my life always fall apart when it starts to build itself up?' I knew it would take 4 days to get to the mines and there I would have to go trough some shit about me really being the leader of those birdbrains. 'God! If all of the shit from last night wasn't enough, then this sure is! I'm still scared about last night. What if he-? NO! No, no, no...NO. He would never! I mean would he?.....You know what! Fuck you too Kouha! Fuck you and your bullshit! I don't give a damn right now!' I was so pissed with him. I didn't notice one of the solders was riding next to me.

"Miss Arashi?" He asked. I looked to my right to see the solder.

"Are you okay?" He asked and and I realised he didn't seem like the others. His looks were better and his voice was kind, unlike the others.

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