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Allen's POV

My mom fixed my hair as she spoke to me. "You'll be fine . You and Regan have talked about it and if this is absouloutly what you want then there is no reason for you to be nervous." She said and i stepped away fom her so she would stop.

"I know but it just feels like Greg and the other agents will judge us. I mean he straight up told me i had an afair with that women." I scoffed and she chuckled.

"Well if it helps i'm ready to see my grandson so go get him so we can see him." She said and i chuckled.

"Ready babe?" Regan said as he walked into the kitchen. I nodded and he smiled. Regan and i spent about four days discusing what we want to do. Of course i spoke to my mother about it and she told me that it was my choice. Regan didn't care if i said yes or no but he was right if we did decide to have a family i would remember this and probably feel like shit for it. Every one else knows as well for some reason yet Regan and i never said anything other than to my mother.

"Ya." I said and he smiled while grabbing my hand. We walked to the front door.

"By mom love you." We said in unison and she smiled.

"I love you too boys drive safely please." She said and i chuckled. Then shut the door.

Then we were off. Regan and I talked about it for a while before I decided that its what I wanted and I did. I did want to be a dad it was just shocking because of my age and how I became a father in the first place. I had about two months until I turn 21 but still it felt young. Regan too was only 20 and by the time he turns 21 it will be almost the end of the year.

What really made my heart swell with happiness was when Regan said that if I wanted he would take 50% of the custody. Which would be just like parents having kids. Which I guess is what we will be. He said he would love it if I did alow him to have custody. But I was worried he was just saying that.

"You ok?" Regan asked. Dragging me out of my thoughts while squeezing my hand.

"Ya just nervous." I said looking back out the window.

"Why you still want to do this right. Cause if not you need to say something. I dont want you to feel like your being forced to do this." He said and I smiled and he looked at me before looking back at the road.

"Actually I'm just nervous cause I've never done this before but I was really thinking the same thing about you kind of." I said and his brow furrowed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You said your willing to take half percent of custody but... but are. Are you just saying that because it will make me feel better or do you really want to?" I asked and he smiled.

"Allen when I turn the age im comfortable with I'm gonna marry your sexy ass and you and I will have a family where you and I share fifty fifty custody of your biological son because I want to be a dad with a husband." He said and I smiled looking down and my shoes as my cheeks flushed bright red. He kissed my hand and I smiled even wider.

"I love you Regan." I said looking him dead in the eyes.

He smiled. "I love you more." He said and I laughed.

"You keep thinking that." I said and he smiled. Then we fell into a comfortable silence the rest of the ride.

We pulled into the DCS' parking lot as so called Department of Child Services. I sighed.

"You ready?" Regan asked and I nodded then we got out. Then we walked inside hand in hand.

"Hello are you here to see Greg?" The receptionist lady said. I nodded and she smiled. "Right this way." She said and got up while walking us down a long hallway. I could hear people talking with the slightest bit of music playing.

What Happened to the Bad Boy? (What Happened Series #1) *completed*Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu