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"Alright close your eyes." Regan said while pulling me down the side walk.

"Regan you better not be taking me to some cheesy restaurant because I said I didnt want you to get me a present." I said and he chuckled while pulling on my hand. "I cant exactly see anyway you've got the blindfold on me remember?"

"Yes I remember but I want to make sure. Besides we've been over this i didnt get it for you I made it." He said and I sighed.

"I'm rolling my closed eyes." I said and he chuckled again as he pulled me along.

"You should like it. I hope you do because I seriously don't want to look like an idiot in front of the most important person to me." He said and I smiled like a fuckin idiot.

"Ok stand here." He said and I stopped. He let go of my hand and untied the blindfold. He pulles it away and my eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness. When they did the idiot smile formed right back upon my lips again.

"You remembered?" I asked and he made a mm'hm noise. I had to bring a hand to my lips to keep from squealing like a girl.

"I try to remember every little thing about you so I can use them to make you happy." He said and I could hear the insecurity in his voice. I still stood there speachless as I stared at the blanket and pillows on the ground. There was a little stand stuck in the ground to hold up a few candles for light. This over looked the giant pond it sat in front of.  I felt tears prick my eyes but they didnt fall. "You don't like it do you?" Regan asked and I shook my head.

"No its beautiful I love it. I still cant believe you remembered." I said.

"Then why are your eyes full of tears?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Because no one has ever done something like this for me." I said and he smiled while grabbing my hand and pulling me to it. We sat down and I looked out at the water. We were quiet for a moment then I felt something metal put in my hand. I looked down at it and laughed. I pulled his lips to mine and he chuckled.

Then we sat for hours while eating our ice cream and staring out at the water. Now we were laid down with my head on his stomach and  my body off to the left and his body facing straight.  His fingers combed through my hair and I held his hand as we looked at the stars. We continued to talk and kiss while also sitting in comfortable silence.

I dont remember what happed after that. The last thing I remember was Regan shouting something and the world around me going black.

What Happened to the Bad Boy? (What Happened Series #1) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now