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There was a slight ringing in my ears as my body slowly began to wake up. But as I began to wake up more it became more of a buzzing noise.

I slowly opened my eyes while the groggy feeling in my head made me feel sick. I reached up to rub my head but my heart stopped when my hand motion was short lived by ropes holding them down. I pulled up but the ropes only became tighter.  My lower back and left leg shoy with pain.

My heart stopped I knew exactly what was happening. I felt tears sting my eyes but I didnt cry. I wouldn't cry in front of him or over him. He didnt deserve to see me cry over him. He didnt deserve to see him brake me.

"Oh Al your finally awake." My fathers voice said and I unintentionally flinched. His voice was close and it chanted like an ancient ghost who came back to haunt someone. "Look at me." He said but I only sat there. I was not going, to the best of my ability, alow him to have the pleasure of controling me. "Fine dont open them. But if you dont I beat pretty boy some more instead of you." He said.

"Allen dont listen to him dont open your eyes." Regan said his voice strained. "Babe please don't open your eyes." He said and I felt sadness rise inside me. What would I see if I opened my eyes?

"Babe?" My father hissed. "You mean to tell mean that you, my son, is a fucking fag?!" He yelled.  He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back enough for it to hurt. My hip shot with pain again and I groaned slightly.

"Don't touch him you fucking asshole! You have no right to touch him!" Regan yelled his voice cracking like he was in pain. I tensed.

"Open your eyes or I shoot him in the leg." He said but Regan yelled.

"He doesn't have a gun.  Dont look at me Allen if you do he will just control you, you know that." He said and my father let go of my hair. "Please Allen. Just keep your eyes cl..." A loud shot rang out and Regan cried out in pain. My father laughed and I felt tears run down my face as I listened to Regans painful hums of pain. My father's hand wrapped around my neck and he pulled me up while choking me. Once again more pain ripped through my hip.

"Your pathetic." He hissed then threw me back against the chair and I groaned as retreating footsteps ended with the slam of a door.

"Regan." I whispered and he whimpered slightly. I felt him grab my leg and he whimpered again. I opened my eyes to look at him but it was to dark to see anything but the outline of his body. I leaned foward and his head burried in the crook of my neck. He whimpered again but grabbed my shoulder and pulled himself up. I wanted so badly to be able to hold him but my hands were still tied down.

I could feel him untying my hands as best he could. "Theres a door in the back." He said his voice cracking from pain.  "We can make it out then up and over the fence." He said while slipping my hand out of the other one. The moment they were free I wrapped my arms around him and he sighed.

"Come on we have to go." He said and he hissed as he stood. But he did as best he could. Pain still sprung in my hip and the moment I stood I collapsed in pain. I grabbed my hip as searing pain ripped through it.

"Allen whats wrong?" Regan asked his voice once again sounding strained.

"My hip..." I wheezed out as it burned with more pain.

"Try to move your leg." He said and I did but it didnt move all that happened was pain again. "Come on babe you have to try." He said but I shook my head.

"Regan how do you expect to make it over the fence and out to find some one who will help. I cant walk and you can barely as it is." I said and he gripped my shoulders tightly.

"Do not make me leave you Allen. I'm staying here with you if you think I'm gonna leave." Regan said but I gripped his hand.

"Regan if you stay he'll use you against me because he knows by hurting you he's hurting me. If you go you can find us. Please Regan go while you still can and find someone to come get me." I pleaded. My eyes still stung with tears and when Regan to began to cry it only made more tears fall.

"Please Allen dont make me do this." He said as he broke down.

"You have to. It's the only way we get out of this." I said and he huffed. He gripped the back of my head and brought his lips to mine. We kissed for a few moments before pulling away.

"I love ok. Dont leave me alright. I'll be back for you I promise." He said and I nodded.

"I love you too Regan." I said and he kissed me again.

"I'll come back I promise." He said while getting up a little. He still gripped my hand.

"I believe you. I love you." I said and he squeezed my hand.

"I love you too." He said then his fingers slipped from mine and he was gone. I prayed to god that he found help soon.

What Happened to the Bad Boy? (What Happened Series #1) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now