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After my horrible hangover shit or whatever we spent the last two days on carnival rides and horse back riding. Then it was time to go home. I wasn't ready to though and I think Regan felt the same because we would be going back to the world where we had to hide. I knew he didn't want to hide and honestly if he stopped then I would be by his side because he keeps me sane.

I would have never been able to get in the water at the beach had Regan not been there. He kept my mind focused on us and him not on my father or past. I loved that we had so much control over each other. That meant that we really did love each other. It meant that we trusted each other.

"Are you gonna sleep this time?" Regan said next to me. I looked over at him as people walked down the isle of the plane.

"I don't know we haven't taken off yet." I said and he nodded.

"I don't want to go home." He said and I grabbed his hand. I leaned my head on his shoulder and kissed his knuckles.  "I love you Allen." He said and I smiled.

"I love you too." I said leaning my head up and pecking his lips.  Then I leaned my head back on his shoulder and sighed. As expected Regan fell asleep a few minutes after we were in the air. Then I eventually fell asleep as well.


I walked out of the bathroom while drying my jet black, wet hair. We all had finally got back and now we were staying in a hotel. I had just gotten out of the shower.  We all paired up and split off to different rooms for the night. Then we would head back home and have to be ready for school in two days.

Ugh! School I was so not ready for it. How would me and Regan see each other and what if those boys come after me and try to beat me up again? I wouldn't tell Regan that though. He knows that I got my ass whooped by a bunch of boys that's why I was in the hospital. Along with a panic attack. He doesn't realize that I want to be myself like he does and If I could I would. I don't know where these thoughts came from and why I wanted it but being with Regan has cracked open desires that had been sealed up inside me for 13 years now. Regan also doesn't realize that I love him for it. I want so badly to show him that and to spill my love out to him but one fear is what if he doesn't feel as strongly about me as I do him and I want to be fully committed to a relationship with him. Like in school and everything.

I walked the bedroom then out into the small living room. The hotel room was more two rooms put together with a large bathroom. I found Regan on the couch watching SpongeBob on the flatscreen TV. I threw the towel into a hamper and walked over to the couch while plopping in between Regan's legs. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his neck and he sighed.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"10:30." I said and he nodded.  After a while I subconsciously began to run my hand across his bare arms.

"Why do you do that?" He asked and I instantly stopped.

"Why? Do you not like it when I do it?" I asked and he shook his head

"No I like it, it's actually really nice I just notice that when ever I have a regular T-shirt on you always touch my arms." He said and I felt my cheeks blush.

"I.. I just like the way your skin feels on mine." I said quietly and his arms tightened around me.

"Why Allen? Why do you like it?" He asked and I looked at him to see if he was messing with me but he had nothing but seriousness written on his face.

"Umm.. That's kind of a rhetorical question." I said.

"No its not. It's your opinion. Why do you like it when I touch you?" He asked and I stared at him for a moment not knowing what to say. "Tell me your honest answer." He said and I opened my mouth to speak but halted because I didn't know if what I was gonna say would ruin it between us. "Just tell me Allen." He said while turning me so I was on my knees facing him. I sighed while taking a deep breath and spoke.

"Because I love you. A lot like I don't just mean boyfriend wise, I mean till we die kind of love and I know you don't feel the same way but I do." I said and he raised an eyebrow at that.

"You know I don't feel the same?" He said and I looked at him confused.

"Do you?" I asked and he smirked at me. Then grabbed the back of my knees and yanked me back so I was under him. I yelped slightly in surprise and he brought my legs around his waist. He must have saw my shocked expression cause his smirk only grew.

"If I didn't feel that way I wouldn't have been with you this long. Even if your letting me stay in your house. I could just as easily go back home if that's what you'd want." He whispered in my ear making me shiver. My hands were against his chest and shoulder. Then he kissed me and he kissed me hard. When I bit his lip, which aloud my tongue to explore his mouth, he gripped my thy tightly and I moaned against his lips. I pushed him to the side so he stood and I followed while still kissing him as we walked. When we made it into the bedroom I shut the door as he shoved me against the wall. The door nob touched my lower back and I reached behind me and locked it incase my mom came in. He gripped my waist tightly and I grabbed the hem of his shirt. Then pulled it up over his head. He kissed me again while we worked our way to the bed. I pushed him down then kissed up his chest slowly. He groaned as I kissed the crook of his neck and up his jaw, then his lips. All the while climbing over him. Then he slipped his hands under my shirt and hesitated. But this is what i wanted so i wasnt afraid any more. I didnt stop him so he pulled off my shirt and kissed me again. My chest was laid against his and I groaned at how sexy it felt. I gripped his waist and without realizing I gripped the top of his pants.

"Wait." He said against my lips. I pulled away a little and looked down at him while cathing my breath. "If we do this I want this to be real not just an at home thing. I don't want to have to wait till I get home to hold you or talk to you. I want to be your boyfriend at school too. If you get bullied for it I'll punch their faces and If I get bullied for it then so be it. Its worth it. I want you to be you Allen not the show you put on for others." He said and I thought about it. That would mean that I would bring back the past.

"You do realize that if I do that people will try to beat me up for it and because of my past I will have panic attacks." I said and he sighed.

"Not if you think about me. Don't think about your past when your having memories like that just put memories of us in their places. Instead of your father hitting you imagine me touching you gently. Please Allen I cant do this knowing that we have to hide it from people I want them to know your mine and that I'm yours." He pleaded. I guess he was right though. An when being in a relation ship you have to give. I've basically taken from him. So I kissed him hard and he kissed me harder. He eventually flipped us over after we were both naked and I couldn't help the stream of moans that left me. My fingers tangled in his hair and my chest pressed against his as we moved with each other. It was amazing especially the feeling of our bare skin touching one another. We both hit the climax and collapsed with him over me in a heap of breathless moans and sighs. We kissed each other again and I sighed into the kiss.

"I love you Regan." My lips brushed his as I spoke.

"I love you too Allen." He said laying his head on my chest. I pulled the blanket over us and he sighed. I looked at the time.

"Its only 1:30" I said and he chuckled.

"You say that like its a bad thing." He said and I smirked.

"It is when I'm not tired." I said and he laughed.

"Good cause neither am I." He while straddling my waist making me giggle. God I really did love this boy. 

What Happened to the Bad Boy? (What Happened Series #1) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now