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So figured i hop in and let yall know. Ask yall a few questions.

If you have read the latest chapter of The What Happened Series, we have met an important Character.

This Character will be.....

Drumroll please...

The next Main Character for the FOURTH BOOK To The What Happened Series!!!!!


How exciting!

Im sure you are all smart enough to guess who it was and if you actually follow the story. If you dont know who it is then keep following along and for those of you reading this out of order. Read Chapter 23 of What Happened to the Boy From Apt 4? This ought to help.

This is being posted on all three stories so far so thats why those of you reading it in the latest book might seem weirded out by the wording. Dont worry yall just tryna get the word out.

Anyway so YEAH!

What Happened to the Boy From Apt 4? Is almost halfway through. The big boom will be happening soon so prepare yourselves.

The newest book is fast approaching and i haven't even a name for it yet. It will obviously be atune to the theme but i dont quite have a real idea for it just yet. So let me know what ideas you may have. A sneak peak will be posted soon so keep an eye out and you all can throw your suggestions out there for me if you feel like it.

Thank you all for reading and following along this Journey! Im so thankful for you all.

And as Always.

You nice,
Keep Going,


What Happened to the Bad Boy? (What Happened Series #1) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now