Fantastic Tags And Where To Find Them

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I got tagged by yumi-Dunbar
Lets see if I do this one right too😁

Here are the rules:
You must write the rules
You must write 13 facts about yourself
You must put it in a book/story
You must be creative with the title
You can't refuse
You have to tag 15 people
You have to complete in a week

1. I love all the Goosebumps books
2. I am also a big Harry Potter fan
3. I am a very shy and quiet person
4. I love legos
5. I want a pet Dragon
6. I am super good at Soccer
7. Baseball caps and snapbacks are awesome
8. Zane is my favorite
9. Lloyd and Jay are my second favorites
10. I like Donnie from TMNT
11. I am a decent drawer
12. I like to make up combo words like awesometastic
13. I am a Gyffindor

Annnd still don't know how to thag people, so that's it. HOPEFULLY, a true new chapter will come this week, I've just been pretty busy.

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