A New Mission and A New Villian

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A/N: Hey there readers! I have a special shoutout to an awesome YouTube channel that I follow called Unity2d Gamer. He is an amazing youtuber and constantly posts new videos. I hope those reading subscribe to his channel because it is super cool.

Here is the youtube channel link:

Now back to the story and thanks always for reading, voting, and commenting!😊

Loriah woke up a bit late one morning. She got together and saw there was no training today. Loriah headed down to the kitchen and found Lloyd there already.

“Morning Lloyd.” Loriah said as she walked in.

“Hello.” Lloyd said as he stirred a pot.

“Whatcha making?” Loriah questioned as she went into the pantry

“Oatmeal, wanna grab the toppings?” Lloyd asked with a grin as he looked over at her.

“Sure!” Loriah said cheerfully as she then begun to grab the different oatmeal toppings.
Loriah had oatmeal with the others a couple times, but she knew exactly what they each liked on theirs. Kai liked his with loads of cinnamon. Jay liked his with lots of honey. Cole liked his with peanut butter. Nya liked hers with a handful of nuts added. Echo loved his with crushed cookie added to it. Zane liked his with lots of maple syrup. Lloyd liked his with a broken up candy bar in it. While Loriah liked hers with a couple spoonfuls of sugar added.

By the time the two of them had gotten everyone's breakfast together, all the others but Zane came down.

“Thanks for making breakfast you two.” Nya said with a smile.
Everyone happily ate. By the time they were done, Zane's bowl was still untouched.

“Echo, have you seen Zane?” Cole asked as he put dishes into the kitchen.

“I think he might still be asleep.” Echo answered

“Let's give him our special wake up, then.” Kai said with a sly grin
Everyone then headed upstairs to Zane's room.

“That's odd, his doorknob is cold.” Jay said as he opened the door.

As the door opened, everyone walked in. Inside of Zane's room was ice cold. Everyone looked over at Zane, who was still asleep, and immediately saw a problem. His bed and around it was covered in an icy frost. All of them quickly raced to Zane's side. He was tossing violently in his bed.

“Zane! Wake up!” Kai yelled as he shook Zane awake.

“No!” Zane yelled as he suddenly bolted upright. All the frost disappeared.
Zane quickly looked around the room, and was breathing heavily. Zane climbed out of bed and everyone saw he was drenched in sweat.

“Need...to..see...Wu.” Zane mumbled as he stumbled forward.

Cole and Lloyd caught Zane, and steadied him.

“Zane, calm down. Everything is ok.” Lloyd said calmly

They helped Zane back over to his bed, and made him sit back down. He looked like he was going to be sick.

“Zane what's wrong?” Nya calmly asked.

“Elemental..stones..new..villain..darkness” Zane gasped out as he was still breathing heavily.

Echo came over and sat down beside Zane. Zane slowly began calm down.

“Zane, this all just sounds a bit like a nightmare.” Jay started to say but Zane quickly shook his.

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