Chapter 22: THEY WHAT?!

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*The next morning*

I called Jake in the morning, so we could go get coffee. We were currently in line waiting for our turn to order.

"How's Natalia?"

"She's still angry with the whole situation, but grateful her dad's not in critical condition."

"What about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm still pissed, but I'll be fine."

"Do you think he's planning anything?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Nikolai is full of surprises."

It was our turn to order. Once the cashier took our orders, we went to the other side of the coffee shop and picked them up. We turned around, but suddenly Jake spilt his coffee on someone.

*Jake's POV*

Shit... why am I so clumsy?

"I am so sorry ma'am."

She let out a short giggle. "You're fine. It was a simple accident, don't worry about it."

"I'm really sorry. Is there anything I can do? Buy you a new shirt? Drop you off at your place to change?" I looked up at her.

She giggled once again. "It's okay, really." She then looked up, and we made eye contact.

Damn... she's absolutely gorgeous...

She had light skin, dark brown hair, and these gorgeous, brown eyes. I felt like we were the only two people in this coffee shop, and from the look in her eyes... I'm sure she felt that way, too.

She began to blush, but then quickly looked away.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do?"

"Maybe if you have time... we can go on a date?" I was a bit taken back by her question, but my heart was beating out of my chest.

I smiled. "How does tonight at seven sound?"

"Perfect. My name's Rachel." She said while extending her hand for me to shake.

I gladly accepted the hand shake, then told her my name: "Jake." I smiled.

"Here's my number, and... I'll see you tonight?"

"Thanks, and yeah, definitely."

She then smiled before walking out of the coffee shop.

*Back to Fernando's POV*

We made our way towards a booth, and sat down.

"I see someone's going on a date tonight."

"Yeah..." Jake said while still looking at the door Rachel left through.

"Looks like being clumsy finally paid off." I chuckled.

"Yeah... wait, hey." Jake stopped daydreaming, and finally came back to reality. We both chuckled.

"Natalia's gonna be so excited once she finds out you're—" Suddenly I got cut off by a female voice.


"Um... hi?"

"I saw you ordering, and I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime?"

Well she sure is forward... this seems really sketchy.

"No, thanks."

"Oh, well here's my number if you change your mind." Without hesitation she slid her number on the table and left out the doors.

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