The CarRide

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"where are we going", i asked and held my head on the window. "Do you want to go home or to me and Sungoh's", he asked me. "Dose Kisu know", i asked. He slightly looked at me. "You still love him dont you", daeil said and i looked down. I did. I loved him even though he ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it like five times. Daeil looked at me. "Yeah i do", i said and he smiled. "I don't want him to see me like this", i told him. "You know he still loves you to", he told me and i nodded. "I know. After what happened with kookie. I don't know if i want be in a relationship", i said. "I thought you two were friends", he asked and i nodded. "Well i told him i had cancer and i just left for a few hours. I had no where to go. At the time you didn't know. So i went back to see he cryed. I Left him", i said and watched the road. "I promised i wasn't going to leave again", i said. "You belong with us. And i thought you didn't like BTS", he smiled at me. "Well you see. I met kookie when i went back to school to be nomal like he wanted me to be. We became Best friends. I listened to his music, and it wasn't half bad" i smiled "did anything happen", he asked me and i looked at him. "What do you mean", i asked. "Did you two ever", he made hand motions to go along with what he was trying to to say. "DAEIL."i yelled at him and he chuckled. "No. Im still a vergin", i told him. "Good",he said and nugges my arm slightly. I smake him and i hear glass shadder and everything goes black.

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