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BTS and 24K got eliminated for fighting in the hall. But we were gonna find out who won and I was hopeing it will be either Infinite or Boys republic. We were sitting there. We stopped Kookie's bleeding head and were ready to hear who won. "Ok. Your winner is. BTS. but since they got eliminated the runner up is BOYS REPUBLIC", I smiled and clapped for them. I was so happy for them. They needed this push. "You know them", Kookie asked and I smiled. "I've met them", I said and he nodded. "I love you", I said and looked at Kookie. "Love you to. I'm sorry it came to that", he said and brought me into a hug. "Its ok. As long as your ok. I'm fine", I said and kissed his covered up wound. "Were gonna go out and celibate our victory", Namjoon said and I looked at him. "We still won", he said and I nodded. "Cool. I want food", I said and my phone buzzed and I looked at it and it said my brother started to follow me. I quickly looked over at him and he put his hands together as if he was was begging me. I took a deep breath and mouthed fine and I jumped on Kookie as we were leaving I followed Daeil back. I really did miss my brother but this is what I knew was going to happen. We went to a restaurant and I quickly sat down ready for food. I was super hungry from crying like half the day. So I ate till I was fat. We finally left and this dress was feeling really weird by the time I got it off. But once I did it felt so good. I put shorts on and went to bed. I was way to tired to do anything.

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