Chapter 1: The Aftermath

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Olivia's POV

"He did what?" I questioned, as I slowly sat down in my chair.

"He just upped and left with Dani." Fin sighed, and I frowned as I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"They didn't leave a note? Email?" I asked.

"No, they didn't, Liv. Have you heard from him?" He questioned, and I bit my lip.

"We haven't talked since I left." I breathed, as I squeezed the bridge of my nose, attempting to stop the headache that was growing.

"Try and call him, Liv. We are down two detectives, and now it's just me and Munch." He mumbled. I sighed.

"Alright. I'll call him." I agreed, before hanging up.


I waited till I got home that night to call Elliot. I curled up on the couch, a cup of wine in my hand, and my phone pressed to my ear.

"Hey, it's Detective Elliot Stabler. Sorry I couldn't answer the phone, but I must be busy. Please leave a number and a message, and I'll call you back as soon as I can." His voicemail message read, like a script. 

I've heard those words so many times. I've listened to his voicemail so many times since I've left sex crimes. I have wanted to speak to him, to reconnect with him, to apologize, but I haven't had enough courage to.

"Hey El, um, it's Benson. I heard that you ran away with Dani Beck, and Fin called me to see if I could talk some sense into you, but clearly I can't. I would ask you to call me back, but you'll probably just delete this after you figure out I'm the one calling." I sighed, before hanging up. I threw my phone at the end of the couch, and let out an annoyed groan.

Why does he have to be like this?


Elliot's POV

"Hey El, um, it's Benson-" Olivia's voice spoke. I deleted the message right away. I couldn't listen to her attempting to get me back. I wasn't coming back. No plans whatsoever.

"Who called?"Dani asked, as she drove over the New York state line.

"No one important. Wanna stop here and I can drive?"I asked, as I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Sure." She smiled.


I drove the rest of the night while Dani slept in the passenger seat. She always slept with a small smile on her face, the same way that Oliv-. No. Don't think about her. Leaving is hard enough as it is, let alone having to have her on my mind.

We stopped in Virginia, and I got out and went into a diner. I got two coffees to go and two orders of pancakes, bacon, and biscuits. After the meals came out, I headed out towards the car, where Dani was wide awake inside.

"I got you coffee and some breakfast." I spoke, as I climbed in.

"Elliot, are you sure you wanna do this?" She asked, between swigs of coffee.

"Dani, you are like a breath of fresh air. I need to get away and not be known for everything I've did. I just want to start over. I want to start over with you." I spoke. 

She smiled and leaned over to kiss me. Since the first time we had kissed, it was something different, almost something that I've never known before. 

"Then lets get going." She replied.


Olivia's POV

I didn't hear from him, just as I had predicted. Dani and Elliot had fallen off the face of the earth, leaving everyone else behind. We had to clean up the broken pieces they had left behind.

I went back to sex crimes, deciding that that was where I was meant to be. 

Everything seemly went back to normal, but some stuff still changed. Elliot's children were speaking to me more often, and Kathy was relying on me to help out. If my partner had left his family behind, just like he did our unit, I had this feeling that I needed to help.

"Cassidy, what the hell are you doing?" I asked, as I came into the squad room, and the desk across from mine was now occupied by him.

"Getting a feel for my new desk, Olivia." he smiled, and I bit my lip.

"Why would Cragen hire you again?" I replied, and he shrugged.

"You needed a new partner, and I needed a new unit." He smiled, and I wanted to slap that look right off of his face.

"We need to speak." I whispered before heading towards an interrogation room.

He shut the door and I stared him down.

"Why the hell are you really back?" I swore.

"Because I wanted to come back, Olivia." he replied, and I laughed.

"You left because you couldn't stand to work around the victims." I spat.

"Clearly you couldn't either." He replied, and I ran my hands through my hair.

"Brian, I left because Elliot and I couldn't work together anymore. I didn't leave because I couldn't handle it." I hissed.

"Maybe I can handle it now, Olivia." He spoke, and I shook my head.

"Brian, you are doing this just to get back at me. You just wanted to give me shit for blowing you off."

"We had something, Liv!" He exclaimed, and I started to pace.

"We had nothing, Brian!" I replied.

"The two of you, stop it." Fin said coming into the room, and I stopped pacing.

"Fin, how much did you hear?" I questioned.

"Enough to know that it needed to stop. Captain wants to see you both." He replied, and I groaned, annoyance clearly evident in every movement.

We walked into Cragen's office and he stared at both of us, then he focused his attention on me.

"Elliot isn't coming back, Liv. You are going to work with Cassidy, whether you like it or not." Cragen replied, and I frowned.

"This isn't about El." I stated, and Cassidy laughed bitterly.

"Everything is about Elliot! You are in love with him, but you will never admitted it!" He exclaimed, and I turned and slapped him hard across his cheek.

"You better shut the fuck up, Brian. I won't use as much caution next time." I growled, before walking out of the office.

Why when Cassidy brought up Elliot, did I get so angry?

Hey guys! New book! I've been looking forward to this, but I'm not publishing this the day I finished writing the chapter. I don't know if you guys will like it or not. So please vote/comment/share. Thanks again!

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