Tunnel Vision For Her

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"I was shot at the a few weeks back." Shaé said out of nowhere and Keshaun heart started to race as she continued to talk

"I was scared I thought my time was up the but the guy I was with he saved me but I feel like yeah it was his body but my brothers soul was there and I was asked why I wasn't scared it's because I didn't have my gun that my brother gave me and he must've known and saved me himself." Shaé said as Keshaun saw the pain in her eyes and felt bad for other reason

"I'm sorry." Keshaun said and Nashaé looked at him and back at the water

"What happened to your brother?" He asked

"He was murder it's so many stories that I can't tell which one actually happened or did any of those things happened?" Shaé cried

"What'd your momma tell you?"Keshaun asked

"She told me she don't know who did it but she'll find out."Shaé replied

"You said he was murder who do you think did it?"Keshaun asked

"I know I'm wrong for thinking this but I really think somebody close to him did it maybe a friend or something because his fiancée died with him." Shaé said and Keshaun didn't say anything just pulled her close

"I'm sorry you going through shit like this if there's anything I can do to take your mind off of things let me know I'm here for you." He said and Nashae looked at him and both of them locked eyes deeply and kissed each other

Keshaun stopped kissing her "We should go." He said getting up and Shaé followed


Shaé was back at Keshauns house he was in the kitchen cooking and Shaé was in the bathroom with the bath water running and started think-ing about how this month was crazy as shit

She started seeing flashbacks of the fight, her daddy beating her it was driving her then her arm is broken so she punched the mirror with the same broken hand

Keshaun heard the glass and dropped the cooking stuff on the floor and ran to the room the bathroom he seen the water coming out from underneath the door while trying to open it

"Nashaé!" He yelled shaking the knob and banging on the door so he kicked the door in and seen her on the floor holding her hand bleeding; he turned her the water off and lifted her up to the kitchen

He wetted a rag then placing the cut on her arm and she flinches "Fuck!" She yelled

"I'm taking you to the hospital."Keshaun said running to go get his keys and they left as Keshaun looked at Shaé she was out of it


The doctors seen Shaé she told them the history of her arm and they looked at her X-rays and seen a few broken bones they gave her a new arm cast and gave her medicine for her the pain

Keshaun took her home nobody said anything they got in the house and Nashaé was going back in the bathroom Keshaun was contempla- ting going to talk to her but he didn't know what to say so he ran after cause he cared but didn't understand and wanted to

"Come here."He said grabbing and hugging her she didn't resist she just cried into his chest  and hugged him back

"They're trying to break you...diamonds can't break."He said and Shaé hugged him tighter


Nashaé ☁️

....My mind was cloudy as fuck I wish Hakeem was here it would've made me feel better but I'm glad a have Keshaun to ease my heart a little but the pills the doctor gave me only helps my arms pain not my hearts pain it's broken and it can't be repaired and I see Keshaun trying and only giving me his attention but I'm lost as fuck he don't know what to do with me....I don't even know what to do with me....


Keshaun POV ❤️

She damn near almost gave me a heart attack when she hugged me back I don't think she knows how beautiful she is...

I hate what's coming her way because shes already growing on me and I really like her and I'm kind of stuck because I know she wouldn't ever forgive me for almost taking her life without even knowing it was me or when she realizes she's in the hands of a thug in a family of a grimy people, drug lords and a gang

....Yeah I got a past but I be damn if she finds out anything with out me telling her

I Caught A Thugs EyeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz