18- It went out with a bang

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chapter 18- It went out with a bang

“Asha!” I heard someone shout my name as I was walking out the school ready for my big week of staying home, so I turned around and saw the blonde chick Kayla. You know the crazy one who claims to have magic or whatever?

“What.” I asked with pursed lips. Honestly I didn’t really want to talk to her but I kind of had too.

“I know you don’t want to talk to me or anything but I was just telling you that I won’t need your help anymore.” She said and didn’t sound out of breath at all from practically running from the school entrance to me. I think I started throwing an imaginary party in my head though because now I didn’t have to spend any more time with her.

“Ok” I smiled.

“go have your little party and celebrate not having to talk to the crazy chick.” She laughed and then turned around to head back in school. I laughed awkwardly as she walked away then made my way speedily to my house.

Knowing that my dad would be living in a better place than my mum, I decided to use her phone to call up dad. She was currently passed out from a hard night of drinking and she didn’t get home until around 5 or 6 this morning.

I quietly snuck into her room and took her phone then went to my room and got out the little piece of paper with dad’s number on it. I dialled the number and waited for it to ring and luckily on the third ring he answered.

“Hello?” His voice ran through the speakers making me feel happy and little again.

“Hi dad” I smiled at the phone even though he couldn’t see it.

“Hey my beautiful, little princess, how are you?” He asked genuinely with a hint of curiosity.

“I’m good. Listen dad, I was wondering if I could stay with you because I hate it here.” I said and bit my lip while I knew he was mentally battling his inner thoughts.

“Well, I don’t live alone.” He mumbled and trailed off towards the end.

What do you mean?” I asked inquisitively. It’s not like he would have a girlfriend because he’s still technically married so did he live with a friend?

“I live in my friend’s house and there are 4 of us guys. I could ask Chris if you could have the guest bedroom.” He muttered the end to himself although I could hear it.

“Should I call back?”

“No, I’ll ask him now. I’m sure you can because I know how bad your mother can get sometimes.” He laughed lightly.

“Not sometimes, all the time” I muttered and he laughed harder then I heard shuffling of footsteps and some fuzzed out talking.

“Chris is cool with it.” I could practically see the smile from his face and I was certainly smiling rather brightly.

“Can I come whenever this week because I was kind of suspended?” I laughed at the memory and dad only sighed. He’s used to me getting suspended and expelled yet how I managed to go well in science and maths astounded me. P.E and Art are easy subjects because I have to be fit to fight and I love drawing.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually came to Australia because you were expelled from all schools in Canada.” Dad said with a laugh.

“Ok, well I’ll probably call you in a few hours to tell you I’m done so then you can help with boxes.” Were my last words to him then we said our goodbyes, he told me the address and we hung up. I snuck back into mum’s room, deleted the phone call from her history and put it back then went back to my room.

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