8- new life

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Chapter 8- New life

“Now boarding Flight 254A to Australia” The lady over the intercom called my flight and now I was destined to my doom. I already said goodbye to Damien and Scar just before I left but now I was sitting by myself just about to get up and hop on a plane that would change my life forever. I was going to one of those fancy private schools and even worse it was an all-girls school! I’ll bet that I will be out of there in a matter of minutes though because of my reputation and badassness.I have to wear a uniform and act like a lady but that’s not going to happen because they can all go screw themselves. I was going to be me and I wasn’t going to back down. Just because the person mum is going to work with is offering to put me into this school doesn’t mean I am going to like it so I have already researched schools and have chosen one.

As I boarded the plane I saw mum flirting with a guy to get him to carry her bags; typical mum. I shook my head at her behaviour and got into my seat which was in a separate part of the plane. Damien booked separate tickets for us and I was forever thankful to him and he already had my stuff being shipped over along with the clothes that Scar bought for me including 3- yes 3 you heard me- bikinis. I don’t even know when I’ll wear them because its not like i'll ever make actually friends or go swimming

As I got out my old radio thing to listen to music some guy came over and pulled out the ear piece from my ear causing me to turn around and glare at the person.

“Sorry Sweetheart but you can’t be on your radio thing until we are in the air” Dean smirked. Of course with my luck I get stuck with Dean. “Now are you Asha or May?” Dean asked and I looked at him like he had going crazy.

“I’m Asha, who the hell is May?” I asked then it come to me and realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I pretended to be May last time we encountered.

“Oh nobody except for someone who looks just like you” He smirked and I raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t have a sister if that’s what you’re wondering.” I said in a flat tone.

“Yea you do but why is the seat next to you my ticket. Is your sister sitting somewhere else?” He asked looking confused yet cocky at the same time which I didn’t even know was a combination of looks until today.

“What if I told your my name was Amelia?” I asked and quirked an eyebrow.

“Oh My God! You are a triplet!” He said in amazement. Wow he Is seriously stupid.

“Do you even know how stupid you sound right now” I deadpanned.

“You’re the stupid one here you didn’t even know you were a triplet” He sneered back.

“Actually its only me. I was, am and always will be an only child unless my mum gets knocked up by a one night stand” I said just hoping that he would get that I was feeding him lies when I told him my name is May.

“Maybe you were split at birth” He said a little bit sadly.

“You do realise that I was lying about my name being May and Amelia right” I said blankly.

“So your messing with me” He asked slightly sceptical

“Yes I was messing with you and in the process I found out that a chocolate chip cookie has a higher IQ than you” I sighted and shook my head then looked out the window to watch the plane take off.

This is going to be one long ride with one big dumbass.


30 minutes into this plane trip and I already have about 100 different ways to kill the idiot.

Don't mess with Asha Black *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now