Nightly Adventure

Beginne am Anfang

"Do you want me to go to my office or work here?" I asked silently thinking of the many ways I could attack him without him suspecting.

"You can work over there where the sofa is," he pointed with his eyes. I snapped my head to where he gestured. How did I not notice it before. He must have gotten it today in the evening when I wasn't here. I grabbed the files and my shoes and walked over to the sofa. I pushed myself down and relished the softness. Before I could stop it, a sound of content escaped my mouth. I clamped down my hand over my mouth wide eye.

What's happening to me?

I looked over to Mr Richards just in time to see his finger twitch. That's the second time tonight.

"Maldicíon," I heard him say though I didn't understand. He sounded angry yet only the cold demeanor could I decipher.
[Maldicíon: Dammit.]

I got to work on the files. I didn't want him to burn ice through me. I was almost finished when I stood up from my seat.

"Are you through Miss Jones," my employer ask.

"Nearly, I just need to stretch a bit to get the drowsiness out," I told him.

He ignored me and went back to work.

I put my hands up in the air and stretched until I felt the tension being released from my body.

"¡Cristo!" Mr Richards muttered.
[Cristo: Christ!]

I snapped my head in his direction to find him already looking at me. I sat back down very quickly. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under by now. I started back on the task at hand.

By the time I was finished it was past midnight. I don't know if any bus would be running this hour and my luck was very thin if I should get a taxi. I got up with the files and walked over to the drawer. I stooped down to the bottom drawer and started placing them going up.

"I'm all finished sir," I said walking over to his desk, "is there anything else you need me to do?"

"No, that'll be all for today."

I walked slowly to where my shoes were, thinking about how I will get home at this hour.

"Wait Miss Jones," he ordered.

I sat back on the comfy sofa thinking back on the many ways I could have been spending this night. Before I knew it, I drifted into a light slumber.

"Miss Jones," I heard someone calling my name. I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Mr Richards was standing in front of me.

"Time to go."

I grabbed my heels and walked with him out the door. I didn't even try to keep up with his strides. I was too tired to. A yawn escaped my mouth.

The ride in the elevator was quiet. My eyes were drooping. I walked out the elevator like a living ghost. Before I knew my foot hit something and I began to stumble sideways. My eyes snapped wide open as I awaited the pain from the floor. Hard hands grabbed me by the waist before I could fall.

"Cuidado ahora chica," he told me as he steadied me.
[Cuidado ahora chica: Careful now girl.]

I became awake now. I grabbed my heels that slipped from my hands when I was falling. He began to walk again when I was back on my feet. I followed close behind him to the car. He got inside the drivers side as I slipped inside the other side and started the car before driving off.

Some minutes later when I was caught up watching the scenery outside of the car, he opened that poisonous mouth of his.

"I suggest not that you waste time trying to find out about my life Miss Jones, if anything I suggest you put that determination in your work because for you, it would be far more productive," he chilled every word with in his voice.

I glared at him with all the strength I could muster.

"Why did your father ever put you in charge," I muttered under my breath.

He swerved the car and made an abrupt stop. He turned his head towards my direction with his eyes that already gathered the the cold from the depths of the deepest, darkest part of Antarctica.

Crap! He heard.

I gulped.

"Because Miss Jones," he seethed, "I, unlike you am a productive person. I would stop at nothing until I get what I need. I am a man that is not driven by wealth Miss Jones, nor am I blinded by power. It is the need to be successful, to overcome my greatest accomplishment and still not be satisfied. To answer your inquisition, he gave me this company because I will not stop at nothing to tear down this empire he created and build it into a fortress. I will destroy every disease that infiltrates my company and from there Miss Jones, I will rise," he stated making sure I get every word he says.

From there, the ride was tolerable with Mr Richards. We reached my apartment soon after, then something clicked.

"How do you know where I live?"

"I am your employer. It is my duty to know everything about my workers," he said with is usual cold stare.

My ears perked up at one particular word.

"Everything?" I whispered.

"Everything," he eyes hid something. His voice was dark. I suppressed the whimper that was about to leave my mouth.

I wonder if he knew what happened?

Impossible, I got rid of every connection to those times.

But what if.....?

A shiver ran down my back as I got out the car. I let out a shaky breath as I walked with unsteady steps towards my apartment.

Damn you Mr Richards!

• • • • • •
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