#22: The Moment of Truth

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"Show, why don't we go on that roller coaster ride there. I always wanted to try that. It'll fun and exciting. I just love the adrenaline rush that goes through me when I'm on the ride". Ting said.

"Yeah. Me too. We have got to go quickly before the crowd starts coming in", replied Show.

Show stretched out his hands, " Come on Ting. Let's hurry before it's too late".

Ting grabbed hold of Show's hand and both of them started heading towards the most "exciting and fun" ride.

"Oh my!!! The queue is so long..... I wonder how long are we going to wait...." sighed Ting as the both of them were standing right at the back of the line.

"Don't be too impatient. Let me tell you a joke......", Show offered.

"Guess what animal does not like to take a photo?", Show asked.

"What??", quizzed Ting.

"I guess you don't know the answer.... Let me tell you.... It's the panda....", Show revealed.

"Why??", asked Ting.

"Cos' the photos that it takes always turn up in black and white....", Show revealed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA..... Show.... You're really good at this..... You never fail to make me laugh.... HAHAHAHHAA......", Ting laughed.

"Now you are not that grumpy anymore. I'm happy to see that. When you smile, it really make my day. All you must do from now is to smile. That's so simple right. I believe you can do that. Why don't you go and buy some cold drinks while I wait here in line for our turn?", Show replied.

"Okay", Ting responded.

Ting walked to the nearest food stand to get the drinks. Ting was relieved that the queue in front of the stand was not long at all. There was only 3 people queueing up there, and the person at the counter was almost done. Thus, the waiting time would not be so long. Ting walked quickly towards the stand, hoping that when she reached the stand, the queue would not get longer.

"Aunty, could I have a bottle of mineral water. Thank you," said this guy standing right in front of the line.

The voice of the guy made Ting heart skipped a beat faster. It sounded familiar. It sounded like someone she knew. Someone who was close to her heart. What separate Ting and the familiar voice was only a middle-aged lady. Ting tried to move nearer to the front, just to get a glimpse. She could not put a face to this voice. It was hard. The voice seemed like someone that she wanted to forget badly, but on the other hand, it was something that she wanted to bury deep inside her heart.

Ting positioned herself closer and closer to the "aunty" in front of her, moving bit by bit closer to the front.


The loud booming voice from the "aunty" drew the attention of the guy that was at the counter. He turned around to find out what was going on. The first person that caught his attention when he turned round was....

"Ting!!! Is that you? What are you doing here?", exclaimed Arron.

The moment the guy turned round, Ting was shocked. She was speechless. Her heart beat faster and faster. That guy.... That was the guy... The guy that she really wanted to bury it deep inside her heart or even forget him completely. That guy who was so selfish. That guy who did not discuss anything with her and made a decision all by himself. That guy that made her cried for many days.

"After all these tough times that I've gone through..... After trying so hard to forget him... Why? Why?.... Why did he have to appear now when I had completely threw him out of my mind? I'm happily with Show now..... But... But... He had to appear......." thought Ting.

"Ermm...... Ermm.... I don't think I know you, sir. I think you got the wrong person...." came the quick but hesitant reply from Ting.

Ting immediately walked away from the food stand, without buying the stuff she was here for. She knew that she did not want to see him anymore. She had to leave the place, leave Arron. She could not linger in the place any longer. The longer she stayed in his presence, her heart ache more.

"Wait for me, Ting!!! I think we need to.....", pleaded Arron.

Before Arron could continue, Ting was running away from the scene. Upon seeing Ting's image moving further away from him, Arron started to chase Ting. He knew that this second chance he had was hard to come by. He needed to talk to Ting. He needed to explain things that he did not had the chance when he was leaving for the States.

Finally, Ting reached the queue for the rides, where Show was still queueing.

"Ting!! You are fast... but... I thought....you are buying... drinks?", asked Show.

As Show was talking to Ting, Ting was trying to squeeze thought the crowd, just to get in place.

"Ermm... Errmm.... Oh yeah.. The queue was too long. I deiced that after the ride, we still could get a drink. So... I came back....", Ting replied.

"Oh.... That's alright. Anyway, the queue is moving quite fast. It'll be our turn soon", Show said.

"TING!!! TING!!! WHERE ARE YOU? TING......!!!!!", shouted Arron.

"Ting, I think someone is calling you", asked Show.

"I think you are hearing things. I don't hear anyone calling out my name", replied Ting.

"TING!!!!! TING!!!!!" the voice boomed even louder than before.

Ting could hear that voice calling out her name. She even knew who the person was. But, she did not want to acknowledge that voice. She did not want Arron to find out where she was. All she did was to block out his voice from her head, and pretend nothing was going on.

"WHO'S THAT LOOKING FOR TING? SHE'S HERE!!!!" Show shouted at the top of his voice, with his hands in the air waving.

"SHOW!!! WHAT DID YOU DO? STOP IT!!! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!", shouted Ting.

Even before Ting could lead Show out of the queue, Arron had already found here whereabouts.

"Ting, we need to talk. Please.", pleaded Arron.

"Wait a minute. Who are you? Why are you looking for my girlfriend?", asked Show.

"YOUR GIRLFRIEND? But.... She's mine.....", replied Arron.

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