#27: Show Vs Arron (Round 1)

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Finally, the minibus made it back to Taipei, with every one's body part intact. Milk drove the minibus back to return, and from there, everyone will make their way back home. Everyone bid their goodbyes and left. Arron did not leave the place as he wanted to make sure that Ting did not know what he was going to tell Show later on.

"Hey. You, that lecher. I need to talk to you.", Arron said.

Show turned around.

"What!!! What are you saying here? And why do I want to talk to you. I don't think we have any thing much to say to each other", retorted Show.

Show walked off, pissed at what Arron had said.

"Hey... Wait... I really want to talk to you. It's something serious", replied Arron.

Show turned back. He wondered what Arron was planning to say to him. Was Arron going to tell him to treat Ting properly? That could not be the case. Arron was always insisting that Ting was still his. Or Arron wanted Show to give Ting back to him?

"What is it that you want to talk to me about? I don't have much time for you. So, if you don't mind, could you make it quick?", replied Show.

"I won't give up on Ting. So, I think we should fight it out fairly. No cheating and stuff", replied Arron.

"What makes you think that Ting would still want to get back together with you? And, on top of that, Ting told me that you and her are through. So, I really think you should back off. Stop harassing Ting. I think she would appreciate that", retorted Show.

"I don't believe it. Ting did not give me an answer when I asked her if we could get back together. If she told me that herself, I would definitely back off. Thus, I will continue to try to win her back. Maybe, she said that to you in order not to hurt you. Or are you too scared to accept my challenge, and you are afraid that Ting will choose me eventually", replied Arron.

"What!!!! Who's afraid?? I know that Ting will choose me eventually and not you. Why would I be afraid. Fine. I shall take on your challenge. If Ting chooses me, you better back off and don't ever pester her again. Got it?", Show challenged.

"Alright. But, I know that I'm going to win in the end", Arron boasted.

Both Show and Arron left the place, each thinking of ways and means to win Ting's heart.


The next morning.......

Show got up extra early. He wanted to get a head start in getting Ting. He went all round Taipei to buy almost all the breakfast available. He wanted to give Ting a surprise. He wanted Ting to know that he cares for her. He didn't want to lose out to Arron. On top of that, he also knew something that he thought Arron might not do. That was, to please the people around Ting. Show went to Ting's place, left the breakfast right at the doorstep.

Ironically, Ting also decided to wake up early that day to buy breakfast for the girls. But to her surprise, breakfast was placed at the doorstep. Accompanying the breakfast was a little note.


On the note it says,


I've bought breakfast for you girls. Enjoy it. Will call you later. Always thinking of you.

Loads of Love,

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