#31: Roy's...

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All good things must come to an end...

And time passes very fast when you are having fun...

Soon the vacation month have passed, and Ning and Ting have returned to Singapore. Seeing them off at the airport was painful for me, as I knew that not much further in the future, I would be doing the same thing, and it would be even more painful, as I've spent a longer time here with everyone. And I was never good with goodbyes... I always cried at such events...

Ning: Jun... So we'll keep in touch... You're to call me everyday okay? Or MSN me...

Jun: Or go see you in Singapore...

Ning smiled.

Ning: Yeah...

They hugged each other.

Ting: Show... I'll miss you... You'll keep in contact yeah? And visit me when you can?

Show: Yes... Of cos... I'll miss you too... How I wished that I could leave with you too...

Ting planted a soft kiss on Show's cheek, and hugged him.

Ying's thoughts: I can't bear to see this anymore... I feel like I'm going to start crying...

I turned away from the two couples, and took a few steps away. I held on to the pendant that Roy had given me.

Ying's thoughts: I don't think I can bear to leave when I have to...

Then I saw Roy rushing into the airport. When I saw him I almost broke down in tears. I walked away to sit down at the benches. I didn't want the others to see me cry...

Milk: Roy!!! Over here!!!

Milk spotted Roy and waved to catch his attention. When Roy saw us, he ran over. He said his goodbyes to the girls first.

Milk: I think you better go to Ying... I think she's quite upset...

Roy glanced over at me. I was sitting at the benches some distance away, staring into space with my head down. Roy nodded to Milk before walking over to me. He squatted down in front of me.

Roy: So... What's upsetting my dear now?

Ying: It's nothing... I'm just never good with goodbyes... I always...

He got up and sat beside me, pulling me into his arms.

Roy: It's okay... I'm here now... I'll help you through this...

Ying's thoughts: You can help me through this... But you won't be there when it's time for me to go....

Tears welled up in my eyes, I blinked hard to force them back, and I pulled him closer to me.

Roy's thoughts: I know you'll be leaving soon too... I'll make sure that we make the most of the time we still have together...

Zax: Eh you two... The girls have to go in now...

We pulled ourselves apart and walked over to the rest.

Ying: Take care during the flight... Have a safe journey...

I hugged them.

Ting: We'll see you back in Singapore soon...

My heart broke when I heard what Ting said. I forced back my tears and replied a faint yes. I pulled myself away from the hug and looked down. Ting and Ning hugged the rest and Show and Jun one last time before they entered the gate. Everyone waved bye to them except me. My head was down. I was fighting a fierce internal battle to force my tears back in. And I was losing...

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