#19: The Mysterious Man

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Taking the walk back to the resort with Jun made Ning the happiest and the most fortunate person on earth right now. She did not expect such a beautiful thing could happen to her. Jun, too, never expected himself to be so attached to a girl. Back home in Japan, girls were constantly fighting for his attention. He did not have to catch any attention from them. It was a totally different case back here with Ning.

Both Jun and Ning's hand were tightly twined together. As they were in the world of their own, taking the path back. BANG!!! Ning banged into a guy, head on.

"Ouch! What are you trying to do?" demanded Ning.

"I'm so sorry," replied the guy.

As the both of Ning and the guy started to regain their composure, they looked up and faced each other.

"Arron???", Ning exclaimed.

"Ning??", Arron replied.

Both of them shouted each other's name at the same time.

What is he doing in Taiwan. I thought he left for the States. Why did he have to appear at such a time? I must get back to the resort quickly and tell the girls about it. He can't know much about our trip here.

"What are you doing here? I thought you are supposed to be in the States now? Why are you here?" questioned Ning.

"I... I.... I'm back here to visit my family. It's the summer vacation back in States. Are you here alone or with someone else?", Arron responded.

"Sorry, Arron. I need to go now. I'm busy. But, I'm here alone. Have a great vacation. Bye.", replied Ning.

With that brief answer, Ning pulled Jun along with her and left quickly, hoping that Arron would not follow her or ask any further question.

"Hurry, Jun. I don't want that guy to follow us back to the resort," said Ning breathlessly as she walked real quick to avoid Arron.

"Why are you so afraid of that guy? He doesn't seem like a bad guy after all," replied Jun as he was chasing Ning.

"You don't understand. I'll tell you more when we are back at the resort. So, we should hurry now. We shouldn't let him know which resort are we staying. Faster Jun. Faster.....", urged Ning.


Once back at the resort, Ning ran all the way up to Ying's room, with poor Jun trying to catch up with her pace.

Knock.... Knock.....

"Ying!!!!! Open up the door!!!!! Quick!!!!! I need to tell you something very important!!!!!" shouted Ning at the top of her lungs.

"Coming..... Don't rush me.... Coming... Wait....", replied Ying.

The door opened.

"Ying.... Ying.... Arron's...... Arron's back.... from.... the ..... States.....", panted Ning.

"So??? There's nothing wrong with that?", quizzed Ying.

"But.... But.... He's .... He's.... I.... I.... saw him near the resort just a while ago....", replied Ning.

"Oh my!!! This is bad...... Better not let Ting know about it.....", Ying replied in shock.

"Yeah....", Ning replied.

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