#2: The Invitation

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I looked at the spot where I thought was caught onto something.

His hand.

"Wait... Don't leave... You aren't angry with me are you? ..."

His towering frame stood in front of me. I found myself tilting my head up to look at him. To look into his brooding eyes...

"... What's wrong with me leaving? The service's over anyway... And yes, I AM VERY ANGRY with you."

I forced myself to stare straight into his eyes. ANGRILY.

He looked away. As if saddened by what I had said. But why? And what?

"...Look. I've to go so that I can get back to my hostel in time for Christmas. If you wanna stay here, be my guest. So can you please KINDLY let go of my bag?"

No response. He seemed lost in his thoughts.

I made one last tug at my bag. This time it came loose. Relieved, I turned to go off.

"... Bye... Nice meeting you... ... Merry Christmas... ..."

There was this bitterness in his voice that made my heart ached for him. I couldn't move an inch. He needed company. And by the looks of the empty cathedral, I was the only one around who could provide him with that.

"...Erm... Don't you need to go home for Christmas? I mean you're not like me, a foreigner abroad and all alone..."

"I AM... alone..."

I took a long moment to take in his reply. That sad and bitter feeling made my heart ache again.

"...Well... If you really have nowhere to go like me... Then do you ... do you..."

No response.

"... Okay. Come join me then! Not that it's gonna be any much fun cos..."


His reply was soft and gentle like a child's. His expression – a portrait of eternal gratitude and salvation.

"By the way. I'm Roy Chiu Ze."

I had to bring him back.

I had the strong premonition that if I had left him there alone. Something bad would have happened...

And in reality, something really good came out of my invite...

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