#34: Are you okay?

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Moans of discomfort woke Roy from his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked around my hostel room. The moans were coming from me. He got up and walked towards me. I was shivering in my sleep and yet breaking up in cold sweat.

Roy: Are you okay?

I didn't answer. He reached his hand to my head and felt it. My forehead was burning, and I was shivering badly. He grabbed my shoulders and tried to shake me awake from my delirious state.

Roy's thoughts: She must have caught a chill when she ran out after me without a jacket...

Roy: Ying... Wake up... Are you okay? You're having a fever... Where's your first aid box?!!! YING!!!!

I could hear his calls in my semi-conscious state, but I just couldn't gather enough energy to force open my eye lids. My entire body was drained of energy, and I was very cold and shivering like mad.

Roy: Aaaaahhhhh~ this girl...

He dashed away from my bedside and started rummaging my cupboards for the first aid box. After 15 minutes, he finally found it, and dug through it for panadol. He took two tablets and poured a glass of water and brought them to my bedside. He helped me up to a sitting position and shook my shoulders hard to try to wake me again. When he helped me up, I was able to open my eyes slightly, but I felt very dizzy, and my head was very heavy.

Roy: Ying... Here, take the medicine...

He opened his hand which held two tablets in his palm, and waited for me to take them. I couldn't move my hand. Seeing no response from me, he grabbed the tablets and placed them in my mouth. Then he reached for the glass of water and helped me hold it as I drank a bit to swallow the tablets. He then placed the glass down, and helped me back to a lying position.

Then Roy took the glass of water and walked to the kitchenette and looked in the fridge for a cooling pack. But I didn't have one. So he took a big bowl, poured a lot of ice cubes inside and poured some water in. He brought it over the my bedside. Then he rummaged through my cupboards and took out a face towel, and dipped that into the bowl of water. Then he squeezed it dry and applied it onto my forehead.

As I felt the cold towel hit my forehead, I felt a numbing feeling on my head. In my semi-conscious state, I could feel Roy repeatedly replacing the towel on my forehead whenever it was no longer cold. And he had managed to find a thermometer from my first aid kit, and he stuck it into my mouth to check my temperature. He also kept feeling my forehead ans his own to see if my fever had subsided.


When I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw him sleeping soundly beside me on my bedside. After a long night of fussing over me, he had fallen asleep sitting beside me. His lush eyelashes covered his eyes, and bits of his hair had fallen across his face and covered his part of his face.

Ying's thoughts: Such a handsome face... with a caring heart... but why does he always hide himself away from people?

I reached out my hand, wanting to shift his hair away from his face. But then I retracted my hand at the last minute.

Ying's thoughts: What do you think you are doing?!!!! You must be mad inviting this total stranger back, and getting yourself into all this trouble...

*Beep beep beep beep*

It was the sound of an alarm. But I don't remember setting any. I saw him stir in his sleep, and immediately I closed my eyes to pretend that I am still sleeping. I felt his hand on my forehead. And I felt him place the thermometer into my mouth. Then he got up with the bowl of ice water to get more.

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