#25: Only You Have the Ability

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"It's nice for us to spent some private time together. There's been too many people around us this few days. Ying, do you want to go on those tea-cup rides? It does not involve any height," suggested Roy.

"Okay. I'm alright with anything if it does not involve any height. I will go ballistic when you put me high up in the air. So, I think it will be better with no heights are involved," said Ying.

As Ying and Roy were heading towards their ride, they saw Show and the guys. The rest of the guys were in front, with Show trailing behind them.

"Hey guys!!!" shouted Ying.

"Hey, Ying," replied the guys as they walked up to Ying and Roy.

As the guys walked closer, Ying saw something that puzzled her. Why was Show with the guys? Wasn't Show supposed to be with Ting?

"Show, where's Ting? I thought she was supposed to be with you?", asked Ying.

"Ying. Shhh. Don't ask anymore," Milk whispered to me, hoping that Ying would not probe any further.

Ying pulled Milk aside, hoping that she could find out what was going on.

"Milk, where's Ting? What happened?", asked Ying.

"Ting ex-boyfriend came back. Ting left with him, leaving Show behind", replied Milk.

"Oh my! They have finally meet. Sigh..... ", Ying said.

Ying walked up to Show.

"Show.... Erm.... Do......you....erm..... want.... erm.... I think....you should have a good talk with Ting. I believe that Ting and Arron are over. There's nothing between them anymore", Ying explained.

"Thanks", replied Show.

"Why don't we find Ting together and then both of you could have some private time," suggested Roy.

"Okay", Show replied.

~~~~帅哥,帅哥.......... 大帅哥.......... 帅哥,帅哥.......... 大帅哥~~~~

Show's mobile rang. What was displayed on his caller ID was Ting's name. He didn't know what to say when he picked up the phone. Should he scream at her for not telling him about Arron beforehand. Or should be pretend that nothing happened. He hesitated a while before finding the courage to pick up the call.

"Hello.....", Show answered.

"Show? It's me. Ting", replied Ting.

"Yeah. I know", replied Show.

"Erm.... I.... think... we need to talk.... Can we meet at the hotel? I need to tell you something. Meet you in 20 minutes time?", said Ting.

"Okay", replied Show.

Before Ting could say anything, Show hung up the phone.

"Hey guys. I'm going back to the hotel first. I'm meeting Ting there. You guys have fun. Don't worry about our problem. Bye guys", Show said.

Show left the guys there, confused.


"I've just called Show. I'm meeting Show back at the hotel", Ting said.

"Do you need us to accompany you?", Ning offered.

"Nah. It's alright. I can handle this. I'll just tell Show that Arron and I were past tense. Don't worry. It's going to be fine. You guys enjoy yourself. Don't let this spoil you mood", Ting replied.

"Are you sure?", Ning pushed.

"Yeah", Ting replied.

"Ok then", Ning replied.

Ting left Ning and Jun to enjoy themselves at the park. She didn't want Ning to worry for her. She knew that everything was going to fine. The most important thing now was to clarify things with Show. She did not want Show to think that she was two-timing him.


"Ting!!!" Show shouted as he caught a glimpse of Show.

Show was seated at the lobby of the hotel, waiting anxiously for Ting to arrive. Show didn't know what to say or how to react to Ting.

"Hey". Ting replied.

"What did you want to tell me about? ", asked Show.

The usual guy who always look bubbly and humorous was not present today. Show looked very solemn and serious. Ting never saw this side of Show before.

"It's.... about.... that guy you saw just now. He.... he's.... my ex-boyfriend. There's nothing between us anymore. I've broken up with him a long time ago. Show, believe me. There's really nothing going on between us. Show, believe me. I'm not two-timing you.........", Ting explained.

Ting blabbered on and on.

Before Ting could finish her explanation, Show moved closer towards Ting. He pulled Ting towards closer to him and hugged her tightly. Ting's explanation was more than enough. All he need to know was that she had nothing to do with Arron anymore.

Ting was stunned by what Show did. She did not expect him to believe her so easily. She thought Show was going to flare up at her. But, things turned out better than what she expected. The instant Show pulled her into her arms, she felt so loved. The sense of security was something that only Show could give her, and not Arron. She knew that leaving Arron for Show was a right choice. Tears began to form in Ting's eyes. She was touched by Show's action. His understanding towards her was something that she did not expect.

"I know Ting. I know. I believe what you said. All you need to tell me is that the both of you were in the past", Show replied.

"Thank you, Show. Thank you," tears started to roll down Ting's cheeks as she spoke.

"Ting. Why are you crying? Hush. Don't cry. Let me tell you a joke. One night, Ting Ting was walking back home all by herself. She felt a chill down her spine as she was walking in the dark alley. From the corner of her eyes, she saw a white cat sitting on the top of a fence. The cat does not have a mouth. That was really scary. Ting Ting thought that she had saw a ghost. She mustered up all her courage and went forward to take a look. Do you know what cat did she see?....... Chey.... It was just Hello Kitty", Show said.

"Hahahahahaha...... You never fail to make me laugh. Thank you", Ting laughed.

Ting planted a kiss on Show's cheek.

"Seeing you smile makes me happy too", Show replied.

Maybe, Show was the one, the one she should choose. The one who will give her happiness. The one that she can entrust her life to.

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