#33: Memories

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Roy: I wish that we can be like this forever....

No response.

Roy: Ying...

Roy looked down at me who had my head on his chest, I did not move at all. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me up so that he could get up. He took a look at me and realised that I had fallen asleep on his chest. I looked so at ease and calm now. Such a difference from earlier today when my cousins left. He placed my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. He looked up in the starry sky.

Roy's thoughts: How nice it would be if we could stay like this forever.... You lying in my arms, enjoying the sea breeze and the beautiful night sky... Together...

He looked down lovingly at me sleeping peacefully in his arms. I shivered in my sleep as a cold gush of wind blew towards us.

Roy's thoughts: She must be feeling cold. Better get her back inside the house before she catches a cold.

Not wanting to wake me, Roy slipped his hand below me and scooped me up into his arms and walked back to the house. He brought me to the guest room, and placed me on the bed and pulled the blanket over me. Then he sat on the bed beside me.

Roy's thoughts: Hmmmm... This reminds me of what happened after you invited me to your house for Christmas...


Last Christmas eve...

I opened the door to my hostel hesitantly. I wasn't sure what I did was right. Roy did seem pitiful to be alone on Christmas eve. But he was a total stranger. And I am a total foreigner. So I didn't know if it was sane or even SAFE to bring him to my hostel. But there wasn't much to be done since I've already said the invite, and we can't stay outside as all the restaurants and shops are closed already. So I had no choice but to bring him back to my hostel, cos we have been loitering around aimlessly for two hours and I was tired and hungry.

Once I opened the door I rushed into the hostel and started making sure the place was decent enough to entertain guests. Fortunately for me, I had just cleared my laundry yesterday and the hostel was quite clean, apart from some notes and books laying around. I grabbed them and placed them on my study table.

Roy walked in behind me and shut the door behind him. His eyes scanned the hostel curiously.

Ying: Do have a seat, and make yourself comfortable.

He sat down on the nearest sofa, and started taking his jacket off.

Ying: Erm... I'm going to make some food for my dinner. Have you eaten yet?

He shook his head.

Ying: Erm... Do you want me to make some for you too? But I'm not a very good....

Roy: Yes.

He replied promptly, interrupting my words. I turned and started taking off my jacket and placing it on the hanger before going to the kitchenette to prepare the meal. His eyes followed me until I went into the kitchenette, which was blocked from his view. Then he started scanning my hostel again.

Roy's thoughts: So she's a foreign student... I wonder what is she studying...

He got up and walked towards my study table. He noticed some notes and textbooks on the table and picked them up to take a look.

Roy's thoughts: Video production... Interesting... So she's studying a media course... No wonder she's so forthright in her words... Sarcastic and piercing... Like a journalist....

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