#26: The Almost Fatal Car Accident

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"Is everyone here? It's time to check out....." announced Ying.

"Let me count for you. One, two, three............ All 12 of us are present. We can go now," Roy said.

"Thanks, Roy. Let's go guys", Ying thanked Roy.

As the group decided to set off, they heard someone shouting loudly.

"WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!", Arron shouted.

Weird. Who could that be? Everyone was present. Nobody was left out. Everyone turned back to find out the owner of the screaming voice.........

To every one's surprise, it was Arron.

Arron was running as fast as he could to catch up with the group. He knew Ting was leaving the hotel today. He was wondering where could she be heading towards. Could she be going back to Taipei? He had to try his luck. If he guessed it correctly, he might still stand a chance with Ting.

"Hey guys. Are you going back now? Back to Taipei? If it's to Taipei, I'm also heading there too. Can I travel with you guys?" Arron requested.

"Yeah. Do you want to join us?" asked Wilbur.

"Wilbur!!! What are you doing? We are not going back to Taipei. Even if we are going back, I don't think there's enough space in the minibus", Ting exclaimed.

"Don't be so mean. I don't mind squeezing with you guys in the minibus. I'm fine with it", Arron pleaded.

At this point, Show was very pissed off with the appearance of Arron. He was wondering why that Arron was doing here. Didn't Ting told him everything yesterday. Why was he still pestering her?

"Hey. If we don't have space in the minibus, you shouldn't even request to ride with us. It doesn't mean that if you don't mind squeezing with us, it means that we too don't mind squeezing with you. And the person who does not really want to squeeze with you would be me. So, if you are considerate enough, please find your own transportation back to Taipei," Show said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. That's not very polite of you. I'm just asking for a ride back home and that's it. It's not your say here. You alone here can't decide if I can take the ride back. You have to seek every one's advice", Arron retorted.

"So what if I was mean or rude. It's none of your business. I just don't like squeezing with strangers. And that's it", Show argued.

The tension between Show and Arron was building up. Each was not satisfied until they said something to hurt the other party.

"That's enough guys. Show, it's really fine to have Arron ride with us. Anyway, we are all heading back to Taipei", Ting said.

Show's blood was boiling when Ting allowed Arron to take the same transportation with them even though he was strongly against it. Could Ting still have feelings for this guy here? He could not let such a thing happen. Ting was very important to him. There was no way he was going to lose out to this guy here.

"But... But... Ting... I don't really want to be in the same space as this guy here", Show pleaded.

"That's too bad. Ting just said that I could go back with you guys. So, your opinion would not be needed here", Arron retorted.

"Stop it, Arron. It's not that Show's opinion is not valued here. It's just a kind favour that I, as your friend could do for you. Nothing else and no intended meaning here", Ting injected.

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