#6: Revelation

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"Roy??!!! How come it's you? I thought I asked Ting..." I looked around the room and there was no one except the two of us.

AND the door was CLOSED.

AND I was trapped at the closet door, unable to move an inch.


The closet door was shut.

"... ..."

"Erm... I think we'd better get moving now that we're done... Don't want everyone to be waiting for us...hee hee..." I made a very bad attempt to divert attention away from the awkward silence in the room.

"... ..."

I tried to move away from the closet door.

He placed his other hand on my free side.

Now I was REALLY trapped...

I couldn't get away at all.

"I need to talk to you."

"Ok can we sit down first? It's more comfortable that way... hee..."

"... ..."

"...Oh well... this... this... is ... fine...fine... too..."

"Why are you so afraid of me? Of being closer to me? You seem to be distancing yourself from me ever since your cousins came... Why is that? Why?"

I didn't reply. I couldn't reply.

His piercing stare seemed to have penetrated every single pore in my skin. Goose pimples were appearing on my body.

I was REALLY tensed! I didn't dare to look at him at all! My eyes were kept down.

The awkward silence went on for some time.

"You REALLY don't like me, do you? Ever since that day at the cathedral... If so... why did you even invite me to your hostel to spend Christmas with you?!! ME!! A COMPLETE STRANGER!! You should have just left me there ALONE... I'd probably be much better off than NOW!!"

I could feel the anger, frustration, and despair in his voice again...

The bitterness from the first day...

But this time, it was different...

He was even more bitter than before...

But I didn't know what to say...

My heart was beating like it was going to explode inside of me...

And my mind was a complete blank...

"... ..."

"Fine... I'll leave... See you... No, I mean... bye... forever..."

My heart dropped.

Shattered to pieces.

I didn't want him to leave. To leave my room. To leave my life...

I ran towards him. Encircled him in a hug from the back. Tears started pouring...

"No... no...NO!!! Please... Don't.... I... "

He grabbed hold of my hands and turned around to face me.

I looked into his eyes pleadingly. He wiped away my tears with a straight face.

"... ..."

He pinched me nose playfully.

"Gosh I should have done this a LONG time ago... then I'd know what's going on your mind... You're so different you know... Most girls would have succumbed to my advances way way before already... Unlike you... See, now your eyes are red and puffy... How are we gonna go out later? Everyone's gonna think I made you cry... ..."

I wiped away my tears and smiled embarrassingly at Roy.

Everything's fine now.

He knows how I feel, and I don't have to try to hide my emotions anymore...

He pulled me closer, gave me a peck on the forehead.



"What's taking your cousin so long?? Did she get lost getting down here?? That blur queen...*sign*" Tianqi complained.

"Hey look...there she is! With ... who' s that?? Why are they holding hands??" Ah Di exclaimed.

"Hi guys, sorry to keep you waiting... Roy, this is Tianqi, Ah Di, Jun, Toro, Weibo, Niu Nai, and Zax. Guys, this is Roy...My...My... boyfriend..." I said, embarrassed by the amount of attention everyone's giving to us.

Ning and Ting were grinning away, as if it was their "evil plot" since day one to set the two of us up together. The Nai-Bo-Fu trio were of course shocked, to see me actually with someone that they'd just been teasing me about some time ago.

"Ok Ying-chan, if you can kindly let me butt into your sharing of happiness to inform you that we ARE STILL going for dinner right? I'm ABSOLUTELY famished!!!" Ah Di complained.

I blushed with embarrassment.

"Yes of course... let's get a move on!!"

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