#15: The Psycho Girlfriend

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The faint sound was getting louder and Ning's footsteps get heavier and heavier as she walked closer towards the building.

"Anyone there? Hello???" screamed Ning as she moved inches by inches nearer to the sound.

The next moment, all Jun heard was a loud and high-pitched............


A strange figure was grabbing Ning from behind and with a knife pointing right at her throat.

"Stop moving!!!!!!!! Or else you are going to be sorry for this!!!!!" screamed this mysterious figure.

"NING!!!! Are you alright??? Please answer me!!" Jun screamed at the top of his lungs.

Jun walked nearer and nearer towards Ning. What was displayed in front of his eyes came as a surprised to him. He saw her in a very dangerous situation. He never expected something like that would happen. He felt helpless. That girl, that girl he felt so strongly for, was in a precarious situation. His mind was only filled with thoughts about how he was going to save her, protect her. He knew that he did not want her to be harmed.

" Released her, Yuki. Please, I beg of you to release her."

"It's too late now, Jun. Too late. Why did you have to do this to me? Put me through all this suffering? And you chose her instead of me. This girl, who is so much worse than me. Do you really love her so much? I don't care! I'm going to remove any obstacles that will come between me and you, Jun. HAHAHAHAHA....... Any obstacles....."

"Please Yuki. Listen to me for once? Ning is not the obstacles between us. She is definitely not. You would believe me right? She is just a friend to me. I just don't want any innocent people to get hurt here. Not you, not her, and not me. It's over between us, Yuki. She didn't come between us Yuki. Please let her go?"

The words "she is just a friend to me" pierce right through Ning's heart. The words hurt her. And it was such a deep cut in her heart. Now, she knew how Jun felt about her all the time, just a friend, and nothing else.

"All right. Since this girl is just a friend to you, I don't think you would feel anything if I use this knife and leave my marking on her face, right? Just a friend, am i right?"

"Stop it!!!! You are a psycho!!!! Since I am only a friend to him, you should just leave me alone. Both of you can settle this by yourselves. It's really none of my business. I think that both of you should sit down and sort this out. I am just a friend to him too. NO SPARKS BETWEEN THE TWO OF US. Do you get it?"

"I'll let her go on one condition Jun. That is to say that you don't love this girl at all. The only person that you have in my heart is me and nobody else."

"Yuki. All I can say is that both of us are over. And she is really just a friend to me, nothing else, just a friend. So, would you let her go now?"

"NO!!!! I don't believe the two of you at all!!! I'm going to kill the both of you!!!!!"

Right after Yuki finished her sentence, she use the back of the knife to knock Ning out.


After that, she went right up to Jun and knock him out too..................


"Ouch! My head hurts! Why can't I move? Who tied me up?" Ning muttered to herself.

Ning looked around her surrounding to figure out what was happening. All she saw was Jun lying right next to her, unconscious. Next, what caught her attention was a loud shriek that sounded like someone was sharpening some sort of knife. She tried to shake Jun to wake up desperately. At such a moment, she needed someone that she could rely on. Someone who could save her. She was scared. But, could Jun be the one? The person who just told her she was only a friend to him and nothing more? She could not care about such things at the moment. The most important thing was that they had to get out of the clutches of this crazy woman here.

After much effort, Ning managed to wake Jun up.

The first word that Jun said was, "Ning, are you really fine? I was so worried about you. You....... You..... You knew that what I said just now was....."

Before Jun could finished his sentence, Yuki appeared in front of both Ning and Jun, holding a knife which looked sharpened. Then, Yuki came with the knife in her hands, charging towards Ning. Immediately Jun got up, despite having his hands all tied together. He too charged towards Yuki, and banged Yuki in order to knock her over. Ning just stared blankly at what was happening in front of her. What had just happened was something that she could not register at all.

Right after Yuki fell to the ground, she got up and picked up a chair and started to charged towards Jun.

"Jun, what are you trying to do? I thought you didn't like this girl at all?"

A loud bang was heard when the chair hit........

"Ning!!! Are you alright? Yuki, you are too much. How could you do that?"

"I'm..... I'm..... I'm... really all right.... Don't you..... worry about ....me," Ning said in a daze as her head was spinning. Everything around her was blurry in her eyes.

After what had happened, Yuki too was in a shock. She did not expect things to turn out that way.

"All I wanted was to scare this girl away from you Jun. Nothing else. I'm really sorry. I didn't expect things to turn out this way too. Now, I know that I can't go all out for you like this girl did, Jun. I'm really sorry".

Right after Yuki finished her sentence, she left the place. Leaving Ning and Jun at that deserted building.

"Ning, don't worry, I'm going to make sure that you are doing to be fine. Leave it to me. Trust me. With me around, nothing is going to happen to you. Just believe in me."

Ning was too weak to move out of the place all by herself or even speak. The spinning in her head made her very uncomfortable. Jun did not even ask anything. He just scooped Ning up from the ground and carried her out of the building. Lying in Jun's arms made Ning felt so safe and secure. It seemed that nothing was too hard for her to handle when she had Jun by her side.

After a while, Ning was completely knocked out.....................

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