#7: Ting's Problems

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"Toro, can I change seats with you? I wanna talk to Ting." Weibo shouted across the table.

"You can do that LATER. I'm sitting with her NOW. And you're fine with that Ting, aren't you?" Toro retorted defensively.

Ting looked at both of them undecidedly.

"..Erm why don't Weibo change seats with Zax, then you two can both sit with me?!!" Ting replied in an attempt to make things better.

Both Weibo and Toro's faces changed. There seemed to be some obvious differences between the two that needed to be resolved before it gets worst.

"Well ok, Weibo, I'll let you sit next to my 'lil sis for once." Zax jokingly replied.

Everyone broke out in laughter. That helped break the awkward tension between Weibo and Toro slightly, as Weibo decided to take the seat peacefully.

"I need to talk to you. Can you spare me some time after dinner? I've something for you." Weibo whispered into Ting's ear just when Toro wasn't looking.

Toro, sitting beside the two, noticed the whispering despite my attempts to distract him by chatting with him about his hair.

"Toro, you REALLY need to wash your hair... think it's starting to smell... how often do you clean it anyway...." I blabbered.

"Yup...yup...yup..." Toro replied, obviously distracted by Ting and Weibo's small talk.

Ting was happily chatting with Weibo, and the sight of that totally irked Toro to the core. He had to put a stop to it all. He met Ting first anyway. What right does that smooth-talker Weibo has to fight with him over Ting?

"Ting. My miso ramen's REALLY good. You wanna try some?" Toro tried to interrupt the two's conversation.

"Oh... Toro that's very nice of you... Ok I'll try some!! You try some of my Tempura too. It's very crispy and the sauce's REALLY nice..." Ting replied.

Now Weibo's face was turning black. He NEVER lost before. Not in the game of dating. He was an experienced hand at it. He NEVER lost before. And he wasn't planning on losing this time either.

"Ting... I think you should eat more of my chawan mushi. It's VERY good for your skin. And nutritious too!! Come, let me feed you..." Weibo butted in.

Everyone at the table now started looking at Toro and Weibo trying to gain the attention of Ting, and using every method that they can think of...

"Eh... Show, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be at school?" Zax exclaimed out loud suddenly.

A tall guy with Jpop rocker-style layered hair and big eyes just entered the restaurant hurriedly, as if rushing for work.

"...Erm hi Zax... I...I...I'm part-timing here after my school... Mum doesn't know about this, please don't tell her anything... She'll..." Show begged.

Zax went up to Show (his neighbour) and gave him a reassuring pat on his back.

"Don't worry. I won't. But are you sure you can handle all these work on top of your schoolwork? You must maintain your standard okay?" Zax said.

"I know...I can do it..." Show replied.

Meanwhile, Toro and Weibo were still trying to win Ting's attention.

But they didn't realize that Ting was already starting to get bored of all their bickering and competitions for her attention...

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