#8: Making Things Clear

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"Ting... you wanna go out with ME right?? I know you prefer ME over that guy Toro!!" Weibo shouted confidently.

"Hey you! Who says that she prefers YOU over ME??!!! She prefers ME ok?!! And I met her first, I've priority rights over..." Toro rebutted.

The two continues to bicker over Ting.

"Stop with you two! I'm not some merchandise that you can fight over okay! Have you ever thought about my feelings at all? It's not just about the TWO of YOU you know! When did I EVER mention that I'm interested!"

Fed up with the duo's constant bickering, Ting finally decides to make her stand clear to the two that she's not going to be pushed around anymore.

She storms off after saying her piece, leaving Toro and Weibo too stunned for words.

Ting walks around aimlessly in the streets.

And after a long walk, she finds herself at the same alley where everyone gathered for dinner a couple of days go...


A familiar voice that she can't put a name to, greets Ting at the doorstep.

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