#32: Song for you, my love....

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We had a delicious hot meal of soup, which Roy only served in one big bowl, and made me share it with him. He was even cheeky enough to make me feed him instead of feeding himself... Knowing that I hate to wash dishes, he took the bowl and washed everything. I tried to help him, but he nudged me aside. So I sat myself back at the counter and propped my head on my hands to look at him cleaning up.

Ying's thoughts: Ain't he sweet... Knows that I hate to wash up, and does it all for me... I don't even need to lift a finger...

Roy: ALL DONE!!!

He had finished washing up and came over in front of me and placed his face in front of mine. I smiled.

Ying: Good job!!! Thanks for the nice meal... I enjoyed it...

Roy smiled and his eyes curved to form two black crescents on his face.

Roy: Well... glad you enjoyed it... did u like e soup better? Or feeding me?

I turned and looked away and laughed.

Ying: Of cos it's the soup... You're just too lazy to feed yourself... And I had to eat your saliva too, since you didn't want to use another spoon... aish~

Roy: Oh I see...

He leaned forward, closer to my face.

Roy: So I guess you won't mind "eating" more of my saliva now then...

He reached forward and kissed me on my lips. My eyes widened in surprise. And he gave me another passionate kiss all within one day...


After dinner, we continued touring his house, and the last stop was his room.

Roy went straight into his room, and dragged me inside. And he sat himself down on his swivel chair immediately, and switched on his computer.

Roy: Let me show you some of the songs I've written.

He smiled and turned back to his computer and went about switching on all the switches around him for his music equipment. I was a bit hesitant, as it was after all his room, and it was my first time there. I didn't know where to place myself, as there was no other chair around, and the room was quite messy, so I just stood by the door, leaning against it.

Roy: What are you standing there for? Come over here...

He signalled me to walk over to him. And once I reached him, he pulled me down to sit on his lap, and placed one arm around my waist.

Roy: Are you ready? It's important!!!

I nodded my head.

Roy: Okay, here we go...

He played the song, and placed his other arm around my waist too. As the music played, I closed my eyes and listened to the melody and let my imagination run wild. I wondered what he was thinking about when he wrote the tune...

When the song ended, I opened my eyes and turned to look at Roy. He was looking at me anticipatively, anxiously waiting for my feedback.

Ying: It's a simple, yet nice and emotional tune... Lets my imagination run wild, but yet I can relax as the tune plays...

Roy smiled.

Roy: And...

Ying: And... I was wondering what you were thinking of when you wrote the tune...

I felt his arms go tighter around me. And he looked at me meaningfully. I looked away nervously.

Roy: You...

I felt goosebumps come up on my entire body, and I felt my heart melt when he said that word. He reached over and turned my face towards him, and started leaning nearer towards me.

Ying: WAIT!!!

And with my sudden interruption, I managed to jump up from his lap and dash to the door.

Ying: It's dusk now, I wanna go for a walk on the beach...

I turned and dashed down towards the front door. Roy smiled as he heard my hurried footsteps away from him.

Roy's thoughts: Ha ha... she always catch me unaware and gives me a surprise attack....


After strolling along the beach for a while, Roy placed down a blanket on the beach, and we laid down on the blanket over the sand, under the stars. And I put my head on Roy's chest . I could hear the steady beat of his heart. He reached his hand over and took mine into his hands. He linked my fingers together with his, and I closed my eyes to rest my tired eyes.

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