#23: Stop Fighting!!!

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"Hey. You've gotta be kidding!!!! How can she be your girlfriend when she's mine!!!!! Stop it there or else I won't let you off....." demanded Show.

"What are you talking about? Ting is my girlfriend..... Ting, tell him that you're mine and not his girlfriend...." declared Arron.

"Ting... What is he saying? Why don't you tell him that you are my girlfriend and not his.... And tell him to stop hallucinating...." asked Show.

"Ting.....", replied Arron.

"Ting...." asked Show.

They both started to catch Ting's attention.

"Stop it guys!!!!!..... You're giving me a very bad headache..... Show, I don't want to take this ride anymore. Can we just leave? And can you tell this guy here to stop harassing me.... I don't even know him.....", exclaimed Ting.

"Ting!!! You can't do that.... Please let me explain it to you.... Please, Ting!!! Give me another chance... I really need that chance to explain....", pleaded Arron.

Right after Ting finished her sentence, Show grabbed Ting's hand tightly and lead her out of the queue. Both of them started to walk away quickly to avoid Arron. Seeing the Ting and Show, Arron started to give chase. After catching up with Ting and Show, Arron pulled Ting away from Show.

"What are you trying to do? Leave her alone....", demanded Show.

"I won't... And who are you to tell me to do so?....", Arron retorted.

After hearing what Arron said, Show raised his fist. The next moment, his fist landed on Arron's face, real hard. Before Ting knew it, the 2 guys are already up against each other, throwing punches at each other. The guys were all over each other, each trying to win the other in the fight. At this moment, everyone was alerted by the scene that these 2 guys had caused.

"Stop it!!!! Break it up guys!!!! What are you trying to do??" shouted Ting.

"Leave this to me, Ting. I'll teach this guy here a lesson. He needs to know that you are my girl and he should not be even hitting on you", replied Show.

Ting did not even know what to do with these 2 guys here. There was no way she could stop them from fighting physically. All she could do was to scream at them to stop fighting.



"It's so unfair. Those 3 lucky guys have their girlfriend with them. And look at us here, without any girls around us. Sigh. Tough luck for us," complained Wilbur.

"Lets look on the bright side. No girls equals to no complains. At least we do not have the girls around us who will always whine at every ride we are getting on ride we are getting on," said Zax.

"Yeah. I agree with Zax. Lets enjoy ourselves today. Today will be our all-guys'-day," said Edy in agreement with Zax.

"But... I still like the idea of having girls around me", Wilbur grumbled.

"Don't act like an grumpy old man. Let's just have some fun today. After that, we may be lucky enough to meet some girls on the way. Come on Wilbur," said Toro.

The single-hood-group were having great time among themselves even without a partner, even Wilbur was starting to enjoy himself without the company of girls. The 6 guys were taking on rides after rides, without any girly complain that the heights of the rollercoaster was too high or the rides were too scary. The guys went ride after ride without any breaks in between.

After going on 5 rides in a row, they decieded to take a rest before embarking on their next ride. On the way to the toilet, Toro spotted Ting from a far.


"Hey, Ting!" screamed Toro from afar.

Ting was more than happy to meet Toro, but she did not see that the rest of the guys were behind Toro. At least there was someone who was able to help her to stop the 2 guys from fighting.

"Toro!!! HELP!!!!" came the reply from Ting.

When the word 'help' came out from Ting's mouth, Toro immediately ran towards Ting.

"TING!!!! What happened? Why are you screaming?", asked Toro.

The rest of the guys were alerted at what was happening when Toro started to run. The rest of the guys started to follow Toro to find out what was happening.

When the guys and Toro reached the scene, they saw Show and Arron on the floor, using their might to out win the other. Immediately, Toro stepped into the fight and try to separate the 2 guys.

"Toro, leave us alone!!! I can handle this guy here. You don't have to help me," demanded Show as he pushed Toro away.

"Can't you 2 guys stop fighting?" asked Tianqi.

"I don't think so. This guy here is trying to hit on my girl, and I don't like it," replied Show as he continued to throw punches at Arron.

"STOP FIGHTING RIGHT NOW!!!! SHOW!!! STOP IT!!!! Arron was my ex-boyfriend........", exclaimed Ting.

Instantly, Show let go of Arron. The words from Ting came like a bomb. It was sudden and painful. Show did not expect Ting to keep secrets from him. It was not as if he wanted to know all her ex-boyfriend. What Show wanted was Ting to tell him that Arron was her ex-boyfriend when he started harrassing her. That was all he wanted. Right now, Show's mind was blank. He did not know how to response anymore. He just sat on the ground.

"Ting...... I......Ermm.....", replied Arron.

"Stop it, Arron! There's nothing much to say now. It's over between us since the day you left me. Stop harrasing me anymore. I don't want to see you.", retorted Ting.

"But... But... Can you give me another chance. I really think that we need to talk..... Please....." pleaded Arron.

"Ok.... We can talk here... And I really don't have time. So if you don't mind, could you please hurry", replied Ting.

"Ting.... But.... I think we need to talk in private......", asked Arron.

"Ok...", replied Ting.

"Thank you...", replied Arron.

Ting and Arron left the scene for a cafe nearby, leaving the guys and Show in a daze. Show didn't even notice that Ting was going off with Arron. He was in a daze. "He's my ex-boyfriend" kept ringing in his head like a spoilt record player. Nothing goes into his head or out of his head expect the words said by Ting ealier.

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