Chapter 40 "The End"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

Summer was great, and I enjoyed it. I missed every second of that trip. But, everyday I realized that, the future might have more better experiences. And I will always continue to grow. I've made some silly mistakes but in the end, I've solved them. I also know, there is still a lot to learn and a lot the world has to offer. I enjoyed having a whole summer with my kids too. That was the best part, personally.

Zane's POV

I loved this summer because I got more time to connect with my kids and become more close, but most importantly, to be there with our whole crew and my kids and Kawaii~Chan. I know that we both will have a bright future ahead together. I know that, I will have the chance to grow old with her and be there for her. I think that was my purpose in life. I bet I was meant to learn how to solve problems and how to raise kids. That was one of my most exciting part of life and I bet that will continue.

River's POV

Mom and Dad helped me a lot in the past. They are both really strong and they both taught me that if a door closes, there is always another way out. I know that my future is gonna be a good one because of the crew and my family. They were the main point of why I was here. At least I think. Mom always told me to be myself and to stay strong even in the hardest times. And Dad taught me to be happy and to help inspire people like they did to me. They are the main key to help me set up for the future ahead.

Ian's POV

Being with my family was a blessing that summer. We've been through some hard times but if anything I had my friend Aden, Aphmau's son to be my friend and support me. I also had my dad, Mom, oh yeah...and River. They helped me and kept me close when I was sad. Thats it....NOW GO AWAY. Oh also I forgot to tell you, I got this temper from Dad.

Aphmau's POV

I finally got the chance to say...THE SHIP HAS SAILED. THE SHIP WILL NEVER SINK! I am so pleased to have Kawaii~Chan and Zane's relationship work out. I am happy for them. But I am also, happy for me. Because, I ended to be with Aaron and have a little boy. Who will continue having a great future. I hate to spoil this for the nxt book but, Aden turns out to be a singer as his job. Which makes me so pleased. And there is another person in the family, but you'll see that in the next book. Anyways, everyone else has nothing to say but, HAVE A GREAT LIFE AND READ THE NEXT BOOK TO FIND OUT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE. IT IS SO GOOD. But, there is some bad times. So tune in for the next book.

Alright guys! That's it! Hope you enjoyed. I love you all! Hope you have a great life and the next book will be called, Zane x Kawaii~Chan 2. I do hope you like it. But, for now BYE! 💘💜💙💖💔❣💝💕💚💚💗❤💟

Zane x Kawaii~ChanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora