Chapter 33 "Pregnant Again"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV
I started to throw up one morning. "Kawaii~Chan are you alright?" Asked Zane~Senpai.  "Kawaii~Chan is fine..." I lied. "Okay..." Zane's voice trailed off. I snuck a pregnancy test. Then found out I WAS POSITIVE! "Zane~Senpai...K-Kawaii~Chan is pregnant again!" I hollered from the bathroom. He ran inside to see the test. "KAWAII~CHAN...IS THIS TRUE?" He started to choke. I nodded slowly. He smiled. "We need to tell EVERYONE!" He said. I smiled knowing that he was happy. "First let's tell River..." We walked to her room and knocked on her door. "Hey River, we need to talk..." River opened her door. "Hey papa! Am I in trouble?" Her five year old face was covered in fear. "No sweetie, your fine. But Mom and I have to tell you something." Zane~Senpai added. We all sat on the couch..."What's wrong Mommy? Daddy?" She asked. "We have some great news! River~Chan, Mama is having a baby!" I said while rubbing her hand for comfort. "But, where is it?" She asked. "In my tummy!" She had a worried look on her face. "Y-you ate it?" Her blue cat ears went back. "No sweetie," Zane laughed. "Oh...then when will it come?" I smiled. "Nine months from now," I said. "BUT I WANT IT NOW!" She whined. "We do too." Zane said while putting her on his lap. Her black hair started to sparkle in the light. "Oh, well..I will make a toy for the baby!" She said while grabbing a piece of paper and a few crayons and started to draw. I smiled. "That went well," Zane~Senpai said. I added, "Just wait till the baby comes!" We both laughed. "Alright let's keep it a secret for now until people start to wonder..." Zane said, I nodded in agreement. "For now let's have some lunch," I said.

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