Chapter 32 "Yes"

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Travis's POV
"Katelyn...I've been waiting for you to ask that in such a long time.." I whispered. "R-really? So that's a...yes?" She asked. I nodded. "My mom always told me to fallow my dreams..." I whispered. She laughed. "That's a cute pick-up line!" She hugged me back. "Travis...I love you," she said. I smiled. "I never thought you would say that," I stroked her hair. Then I sat up to call pizza for dinner. Katelyn and I thought dinner would be good. So, I called them.

Katelyn's POV
I heard Travis talk on the phone to order food. When the pizza got here, Travis and I turned on a movie on Netflix. I but a blanket on us, slowly my eyes closed. My head was on Travis's chest. His heart beat soothed me...

Hey Guy's WillowAsh30 here! Thank you so much for reading. I also thank you for the support you gave me to continue this book. Unfortunately, this book will end soon! 😥 Sorry. But there will be a second book! So please help me work hard on that like you did to this book. I love you all! Bye! 💜💗❤️💓💞💚💛💕💟💔❣💙💖💝💘

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