Chapter 19 "It's a..."

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Kawaii~Chan's POV
Zane~Senpai asked me if we should do an ultrasound and it's been three months after I quit my job which means five more months before the baby is born! Wait...oh crap that is coming up soon! Just great...well, I agreed to do an ultrasound and today was the day we get to see if the baby is a boy or girl. I am sooo scared I don't know why but I am. "Alright, ready to go?" I asked Zane~Senpai as we jumped into the car. "Yes, are you nervous?" He asked me. I nodded. We drove off with happiness and excitement.

Zane's POV
Kawaii~Chan laid on the bed of the hospital with a tv in front of us. Kawaii~Chan grabbed my hand in fear. Then the doctor looked on the screen..."Oh my! I have some great news!" The doctor said. Her gray hair shinned in the light, "Your baby is in great health's a...GIRL!" Kawaii~Chan smiled. "Babe we are so lucky..." She said in excitement. I smiled. "We need names! So many names to chose from!" She said. I nodded I was happy too...It's just I am scared. What if I mess up on being a dad? I wondered what if..our baby girl hates me?! I worry that I would mess up. "Zane~Senpai, are you okay?" She asked I nodded. "I-I just am scared...this is a new step and...what if...I mess up?" I told her. "I say the same thing, but as long as we raise her together...everything will be okay..." She said in her soothing voice. I smiled calming down. "Thanks Kawaii~Chan.." I said. She nodded. We both started tearing up...this was new and we were happy to have this seems our baby is a lucky charm and I am so proud.

Zane x Kawaii~ChanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ